
Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

Have you ever experienced a situation where you were visiting a family members house or friends home, you were asked to not sit in a certain in a chair. Or asked to get up off a chair because they were worried you might break it?? If so what kind of chair was it and how did they ask you?
2 months

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

Have you ever experienced a situation where you were visiting a family members house or friends home, you were asked to not sit in a certain in a chair. Or asked to get up off a chair because they were worried you might break it?? If so what kind of chair was it and how did they ask you?

My partner's best friend has banned him from almost every chair in her apartment for fear that it won't be able to handle his weight. (He is over 400 lbs.)

I say almost because she got a chair just for him to sit on. It is the only chair he is allowed to use.
2 months

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

I typically have to make that call myself. But, I was stopped from sitting in one of those flimsy metal lawn chairs once. Not only was I too heavy, but probably too wide. I would've gotten stuck.
2 months

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

Gone to a friend's house one time for Thanksgiving and the family brought out old chairs apparently it was a tradition of theirs to bring out theses old handcrafted chairs but when I went to sit at the table they gave me a regular chair bit wanting me to break one of thier special ones I felt embarrassed but can totally understand

Old furniture is just weird like that. A lot of my great grandparents furniture is absolutely tiny and even I feel like I'm going to break it and I'm only barely considered obese
1 month

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

Have you ever experienced a situation where you were visiting a family members house or friends home, you were asked to not sit in a certain in a chair. Or asked to get up off a chair because they were worried you might break it?? If so what kind of chair was it and how did they ask you?

I’m a practising lawyer and I’ve recently been told by court staff that they have a duty to provide me with a “suitable chair”. It’s basically an overbuilt office chair, which is oddly no roomier. My bum gets stuck between the arms as I go up and down. It shouldn’t collapse, though!
1 month

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

I’m a practising lawyer and I’ve recently been told by court staff that they have a duty to provide me with a “suitable chair”. It’s basically an overbuilt office chair, which is oddly no roomier. My bum gets stuck between the arms as I go up and down. It shouldn’t collapse, though!

that's funny, the chair they got for me at work to support my greater weight was no wider either... seems funny that those two things wouldn't go hand in hand? eventually i got one without arms.
1 month

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

I've never had anyone ask me to avoid a certain piece of furniture, because I usually self-select and then am very careful when I sit down. However, I have had friends and family members bring a different kind of chair (sturdier) into a room automatically and ask me if I was comfortable. I have a special chair at my in-laws dining table, and they roll it out anytime we sit down to dinner.
1 month

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

First time for me… Halloween event at my great nephew’s day care this year …. Someone suddenly had a “better” chair for me than the flimsy looking plastic ones. I didn’t think too much about it….. but may have broken my first chair if not provided with the sturdier one.
1 month

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

Not a chair but an air mattress; I was over the weight limit for it, but didn't think the fam would've been able to eyeball that I weighed as much more over it as I was. Apparently I was wrong 😳
1 month

Ever been asked not to sit in a chair

Has not happened yet, but very excited to get to a size where people start treating me this way
1 month
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