
Kink origin correlations…

Hey, I’ve been thinking a lot about this kink and where it comes from for me. I’m addicted to thinking… it’s a problem… Anyway, I don’t want to remove any enjoyment for anyone, so please only read/engage if this is also a topic that interests you. I’ve noticed that I have something in common with anyone I’ve had long-term feederism experiences with. We were all enmeshed/emotionally parentified as children by our mothers (some still are, while others are more like me and as adults have realized the enmeshment and have become empowered to create boundaries). I’m going to give a quick explanation of what I mean below, but I suggest googling “enmeshment” and “parentification” for a far better, less reductive explanation. What I mean by enmeshed/parentified is that our mothers made us in some way believe we were responsible for their wellbeing and that we needed to/still need to meet our mother’s needs, so they can be happy. This is incorrect and unhealthy. A parent is responsible for fulfilling their own needs and their child’s needs, not visa versa. (Please note: this is different than your parents growing old or being sick and you deciding to help them. I’m talking about a completely capable adult putting undue and unfair expectation on a child into adulthood. Their wellbeing was made to be your responsibility.)

Anyway, I’m wondering if there’s a correlation here indicative of the greater feederism kink, or if it just so happens these are the people within the kink I happened to be gravitating to. If anyone is willing to look at their own relationship with their mother and tell me if it coincides or doesn’t, I’d so appreciate the dialogue. Also, if you’ve noticed any of your own correlations from your own experiences, would love to hear about that as well. I understand this is a vulnerable topic and some may not want to go there (totally fair, always keep yourself safe!), but if anyone feels open to talking about it, please do. If you’re not interested in talking about it, please be respectful and don’t engage.

Yeah ... I don't buy into that. That might be true for some people but not for most. This is a very Freudian way of thinking.

(As a side note, Freud is the "father" of psychology due to the sheer number of people that got into the science specifically to prove him wrong.)

For example, I got into this because I think fat men are hot. There's no childhood trauma surrounding this. I love the way they look and feel. I also love cooking and I want a man that will appreciate what I make.

I briefly got into gaining, but that was because I was sickly for so many years and hated how underweight I was. Once I went from slim to thick, I lost interest in gaining. Plus, I always preferred watching people get fat - especially men.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

Hey, I’ve been thinking a lot about this kink and where it comes from for me. I’m addicted to thinking… it’s a problem… Anyway, I don’t want to remove any enjoyment for anyone, so please only read/engage if this is also a topic that interests you. I’ve noticed that I have something in common with anyone I’ve had long-term feederism experiences with. We were all enmeshed/emotionally parentified as children by our mothers (some still are, while others are more like me and as adults have realized the enmeshment and have become empowered to create boundaries). I’m going to give a quick explanation of what I mean below, but I suggest googling “enmeshment” and “parentification” for a far better, less reductive explanation. What I mean by enmeshed/parentified is that our mothers made us in some way believe we were responsible for their wellbeing and that we needed to/still need to meet our mother’s needs, so they can be happy. This is incorrect and unhealthy. A parent is responsible for fulfilling their own needs and their child’s needs, not visa versa. (Please note: this is different than your parents growing old or being sick and you deciding to help them. I’m talking about a completely capable adult putting undue and unfair expectation on a child into adulthood. Their wellbeing was made to be your responsibility.)

Anyway, I’m wondering if there’s a correlation here indicative of the greater feederism kink, or if it just so happens these are the people within the kink I happened to be gravitating to. If anyone is willing to look at their own relationship with their mother and tell me if it coincides or doesn’t, I’d so appreciate the dialogue. Also, if you’ve noticed any of your own correlations from your own experiences, would love to hear about that as well. I understand this is a vulnerable topic and some may not want to go there (totally fair, always keep yourself safe!), but if anyone feels open to talking about it, please do. If you’re not interested in talking about it, please be respectful and don’t engage.

Yeah ... I don't buy into that. That might be true for some people but not for most. This is a very Freudian way of thinking.

(As a side note, Freud is the "father" of psychology due to the sheer number of people that got into the science specifically to prove him wrong.)

For example, I got into this because I think fat men are hot. There's no childhood trauma surrounding this. I love the way they look and feel. I also love cooking and I want a man that will appreciate what I make.

I briefly got into gaining, but that was because I was sickly for so many years and hated how underweight I was. Once I went from slim to thick, I lost interest in gaining. Plus, I always preferred watching people get fat - especially men.

I would contest this. I claim even what "normies" like is not the result of something organic, but of a very traumatic process.

I'm saying this while having in mind beauty standards and the general preference each gender has for the other on personality.

It doesn't make sense to me for anything regarding the psychology of people to not be, at least partially, a direct result of social trauma given the social and historical context (narcissism for example).

I also think that the only way to have it any other way, you would have to explicitly construct whatever it is that we're talking about, in a rational way, from complete scratch. And a test for this is to be able to defend it intellectually.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

Yeah ... I don't buy into that. That might be true for some people but not for most. This is a very Freudian way of thinking.

(As a side note, Freud is the "father" of psychology due to the sheer number of people that got into the science specifically to prove him wrong.)

For example, I got into this because I think fat men are hot. There's no childhood trauma surrounding this. I love the way they look and feel. I also love cooking and I want a man that will appreciate what I make.

I briefly got into gaining, but that was because I was sickly for so many years and hated how underweight I was. Once I went from slim to thick, I lost interest in gaining. Plus, I always preferred watching people get fat - especially men.

I would contest this. I claim even what "normies" like is not the result of something organic, but of a very traumatic process.

I'm saying this while having in mind beauty standards and the general preference each gender has for the other on personality.

It doesn't make sense to me for anything regarding the psychology of people to not be, at least partially, a direct result of social trauma given the social and historical context (narcissism for example).

I also think that the only way to have it any other way, you would have to explicitly construct whatever it is that we're talking about, in a rational way, from complete scratch. And a test for this is to be able to defend it intellectually.

Enas, have you actually studied psychology and sociology? I have. And between my own extensive research and personal lived experiences, not all things you like are based in trauma. Trauma is but one of many possible aspects that can inform your kinks and fetishes. Sometimes it's a part of it, but also, sometimes it's not.

On top of this, lets engage in the very present misogyny that all sexual predilections are based on trauma from your mother. Out of all the people you can get trauma from: fathers, siblings, teachers, friends, random strangers, etc, it makes no sense for the onus to be on the mother.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

I haven’t yet noticed any patterns regarding fathers or siblings, so I didn’t mention it. It doesn’t mean I don’t think there are other factors at play, people who are culpable for trauma, or that kink has to be trauma-related. None of that is being said here. In my personal experience… this is the only thing me and the others I’ve engaged with have all had in common, so I was curious if any other person experienced something similar. I am begging this conversation to leave the theory behind and focus on personal experience…

I have no trauma related to my feedist kinks, but I have trauma from my father and step-father related to some of my other kinds - specifically BDSM.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

I can tell you I didn't have this type of relationship with my mom. In fact, my mom and I got along just fine for the most part and she's not narcissistic. I really don't think this fetish stems from trauma with everyone, maybe it does for some people but at the end of the day it's something we can't help and we should just embrace what we like as long as we're not hurting someone else or forcing this fetish on people who don't want it forced on them.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

I think it's more about what your exposed to. People at young age are especially impressionable.

Its logical to assume their is some people have experienced something with those close to them that benign or traumatic led them to this fetish. Its also logical to assume that through purely random or coincidental exposure one could grow a fascination.

I think for a majority of people while one might identify the former or the later as their point of origin. In experience though its likely a combination of the two that brings someone to identify with the fetish. Although im sure there are exceptions.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

I am curious about a correlation between fat phobic influences and feedism. My mom loved to eat, was overweight, but warned her children not to be fat, while also associating eating with comfort. She neither wanted us to be thin or too fat, and sought some kind of control to achieve our desired weight. There was a stigma around being fat, obviously, but it was confusing. I think my dad may have been at least an enabler, if not an encourager, of her eating and weight. But she thought being fat was wrong from an aesthetic perspective, as her weight was "commented" on from a young age, and she was chubby growing up. From a young age, I was turned on at the thought of being fat, but I developed an eating disorder (likely to regain control, I see now), and I stayed fit my whole life until last year I realized my fetish for gaining weight. My daydreams came to life. I wonder how my upbringing influenced my fetish, although I suppose it's possible I was just wired to want to be fatter.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

I am curious about a correlation between fat phobic influences and feedism. My mom loved to eat, was overweight, but warned her children not to be fat, while also associating eating with comfort. She neither wanted us to be thin or too fat, and sought some kind of control to achieve our desired weight. There was a stigma around being fat, obviously, but it was confusing. I think my dad may have been at least an enabler, if not an encourager, of her eating and weight. But she thought being fat was wrong from an aesthetic perspective, as her weight was "commented" on from a young age, and she was chubby growing up. From a young age, I was turned on at the thought of being fat, but I developed an eating disorder (likely to regain control, I see now), and I stayed fit my whole life until last year I realized my fetish for gaining weight. My daydreams came to life. I wonder how my upbringing influenced my fetish, although I suppose it's possible I was just wired to want to be fatter.

Fatphobia is a very common reason people develop fat fetishes, ironically.
1 month

Kink origin correlations…

I am curious about a correlation between fat phobic influences and feedism. My mom loved to eat, was overweight, but warned her children not to be fat, while also associating eating with comfort. She neither wanted us to be thin or too fat, and sought some kind of control to achieve our desired weight. There was a stigma around being fat, obviously, but it was confusing. I think my dad may have been at least an enabler, if not an encourager, of her eating and weight. But she thought being fat was wrong from an aesthetic perspective, as her weight was "commented" on from a young age, and she was chubby growing up. From a young age, I was turned on at the thought of being fat, but I developed an eating disorder (likely to regain control, I see now), and I stayed fit my whole life until last year I realized my fetish for gaining weight. My daydreams came to life. I wonder how my upbringing influenced my fetish, although I suppose it's possible I was just wired to want to be fatter.

I grew up with a very similar story from this, though still different. Both of my parents were complete health nuts but in different ways. I would workout and lift weights with my dad, and he explained to me the importance of eating more calories than you burn to put on muscle. And then after you've put on the desired muscle you cut back and burn off any added fat you may have gained. When my mom heard about this she freaked out because she associates weight with bad, always. She she hated it when I gained weight even when it was healthy weight. So now I'm almost convinced back in high school when I started to gain weight I did in spite of her a little bit. Because once I started bulking and got past the point where body builders would've done a "cut" phase I just kept gaining and I realized I actually enjoyed the added weight, both the muscle and the fat.
1 month