Body inflation

"like a blueberry."

Your telling me
3 months

"like a blueberry."

dont worry, I usually get what I want 🤭 I’m determined like that
3 months

"like a blueberry."

Thank god
3 months

"like a blueberry."


I had done a stuffing, 6inch subway sandwich, and then diet coke and a whole thing of mentos after. I could feel it bubbling inside of me, and I moaned and whined cuz my tummy started to feel tight, and i had just discussed with him how hot it would be to be like violet and have people poke and prod me and talk about me in awe as I blow up like a balloon, going from a normal "petite" girl to a huge blueberry.
so as I'm swallowing the mentos and feeling my tummy get more and more full of foam he's teasing me and telling me I'm gonna pop if I keep going, and pokes my belly and says "filling up with juice" in this sing songy teasing voice he does and I was just KIUFAFBJFH KO for me that's all I want in life lmao

a;sldfja;lksdjfa there are few things that get me as riled up and immediately into subspace as anything along the lines of "there's no air in there... that's juice!" (or whatever other substance contextually appropriate. Fat, for example lol)
2 months

"like a blueberry."

There are so many great lines in that exchange…”I feel funny”…”there’s no air in there…”…”She needs to be squeezed immediately…” all equally amazing

I love when Grandpa Joe goes "I'm not surprised!" when she says she feels funny.
2 months

"like a blueberry."


I had done a stuffing, 6inch subway sandwich, and then diet coke and a whole thing of mentos after. I could feel it bubbling inside of me, and I moaned and whined cuz my tummy started to feel tight, and i had just discussed with him how hot it would be to be like violet and have people poke and prod me and talk about me in awe as I blow up like a balloon, going from a normal "petite" girl to a huge blueberry.
so as I'm swallowing the mentos and feeling my tummy get more and more full of foam he's teasing me and telling me I'm gonna pop if I keep going, and pokes my belly and says "filling up with juice" in this sing songy teasing voice he does and I was just KIUFAFBJFH KO for me that's all I want in life lmao

One of the hottest story!
1 month
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