Fat experiences

Fattest person you ever had sex with

about 350 lbs
5 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

When I was a lot smaller I dated someone much bigger than me. I’m not sure, but I guess about 300 lbs. She wasn’t a feedist though and it didn’t go well when I told her about my kink, but it was the first time I got to experience what it might be like to be bigger 🤷‍♀️
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

My heaviest partner was just over 500 pounds.

The best was a 6 foot tall red head who put on more than 40 pounds during the 15 months we were seeing each other. She was just under 400 pounds when we met. She went over 440 and was still growing. We had gaining contests. One time she put on 12 pounds in a week! We went to a Mexican restaurant and she ate two full meals. The woman could eat - along with several other memorable talents. 😁

12 pounds in a week what a woman
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

My wife, 315lbs
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

she was close to 600
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

365 that I know for sure. Massive belly. Was the definition of feeder too. Lol to taught people to like go to buffets and waddle back and forth with plate after plate of the most fattening things and enjoy the looks she knew people were giving her like 'aren't you fat enough you pig'

But there's other I know we're fatter. One said she was 407 but lost a couple but still had turn sideways through doors and tight spaces and had some heavily rolls.

There's others and some contenders but those are the fattest.
4 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

Around 300 lbs but could've been much more, let's see what future brings with it. Was by far the best experience.
3 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

350 lbs football player but i didn’t actually have sex with him because i’m waiting till marriage we just hooked up occasionally
2 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

Lexi...was overwhelming. i didn't know what to do with all those pounds. She was a little over 400 and short, so it was like being a mountain climber! Strange but what I remember most isn't her belly, which hung almost to her knees, but these dozens of light, gentle silver stretch marks on her shoulders and where her arms met her torso. I thought they were so sweet and sexy and a sign of gaining. I also liked the way she kissed me, I assume she liked mine as well. One hopes! We didn't actually have sex, just rolled around in bed and it was so explosive. She started out at around 150 chubby pounds and...oh, my! smiley
2 months

Fattest person you ever had sex with

Lexi...was overwhelming. i didn't know what to do with all those pounds. She was a little over 400 and short, so it was like being a mountain climber! Strange but what I remember most isn't her belly, which hung almost to her knees, but these dozens of light, gentle silver stretch marks on her shoulders and where her arms met her torso. I thought they were so sweet and sexy and a sign of gaining. I also liked the way she kissed me, I assume she liked mine as well. One hopes! We didn't actually have sex, just rolled around in bed and it was so explosive. She started out at around 150 chubby pounds and...oh, my! smiley

This sounds really hot smiley
2 months
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