For any fat people thinking of starting lifting to get stronger or going to the gym or exercising at all, I say go for it. Let this be your official encouragement. And if you're already strong and thinking of getting fat, do that too. You can still continue to exercise.
It's actually pretty hard to lose weight with just exercise alone if you continue to eat a lot.
But exercise has lots of benefits other than weight loss.
It doesn't hurt anything to build muscle under all that fat. You'll still look fat. But will be able to move it all around easier. You can build stamina and VO2 max as well without losing any weight. It's actually somewhat possible to be simultaneously overweight and in shape.
Personally, I like fat women. I also like strong women. Put them together and wow, even better. I was just reading someone saying how surprising it is that there isn't a larger intersection between feedism and gym culture. Honestly though, I think it's kind of there already. It just doesn't get talked about. Maybe I'm wrong?
Fat people tend to be naturally strong already anyway. I mean carrying around extra weigh all day is just built in exercise. The few plus size girls I do see in the gym can usually lift heavy.
Maybe there is a stigma against it. People assume you must be there to lose weight. But like I said, there are plenty of reasons to lift or exercise other than weight loss. Actually, I'd say strength training is probably even better for weight gain than loss.
It's actually pretty hard to lose weight with just exercise alone if you continue to eat a lot.
But exercise has lots of benefits other than weight loss.
It doesn't hurt anything to build muscle under all that fat. You'll still look fat. But will be able to move it all around easier. You can build stamina and VO2 max as well without losing any weight. It's actually somewhat possible to be simultaneously overweight and in shape.
Personally, I like fat women. I also like strong women. Put them together and wow, even better. I was just reading someone saying how surprising it is that there isn't a larger intersection between feedism and gym culture. Honestly though, I think it's kind of there already. It just doesn't get talked about. Maybe I'm wrong?
Fat people tend to be naturally strong already anyway. I mean carrying around extra weigh all day is just built in exercise. The few plus size girls I do see in the gym can usually lift heavy.
Maybe there is a stigma against it. People assume you must be there to lose weight. But like I said, there are plenty of reasons to lift or exercise other than weight loss. Actually, I'd say strength training is probably even better for weight gain than loss.
2 months