I’m into both contrast and folks around my size or bigger (usually find myself more attracted to femmes when it comes to bigger aspect but I have been attracted to masc that are larger as well)
1 month
Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?
I like look more at huge women as a FA. But as a gainer if I was in a relationship I would like a big weight contrast. My partner or feeder being much smaller than me.
1 month
Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?
Personality and compatibility are the most important to me, but I am into contrast.
I find this seeing the stomach grow, as well as rest of the body, very attractive. But only on someone else. The contrast between our bodies adds on to that. Reminds me that their body has grown and developed. Reminds me of when they were thinner. I find that very attractive.
1 month
Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?
Actually, both. I prefer it when the other person is also fat, ideally even fatter than me. On the other hand, I have seen many people who were thinner but also looked very attractive.
4 weeks
Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?
I’m into contrast as well, I am no longer skinny like before, so a thinner woman that would like to fatten me up or a fatter woman that is into fattening me up is a must! So yeah
2 weeks
Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?
Syndred: Personality and compatibility are the most important to me, but I am into contrast.
I find this seeing the stomach grow, as well as rest of the body, very attractive. But only on someone else. The contrast between our bodies adds on to that. Reminds me that their body has grown and developed. Reminds me of when they were thinner. I find that very attractive.
I agree with all you wrote.
2 weeks
Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?