Extreme obesity

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

For me personally, always a turn on and not only that, it's like an extra buzz of encouragement. The limitations I experience - current and new - are a huge part of what drives me. I know that seems broken and not exactly sensible but I live for it. All of my personal goals and targets are pretty much focused around my limitations, for some reason.
2 months

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

Im a lifelong encourager and admirer of the obese form. Thinking about this topic has been obsessively picked apart by my brain for many years while parsing the differences between the fantasy aspects that turn me on vs the reality im willing to live with in a partner.

A lot of feeders or wannabes state they WANT an immobile feedee but they havent processed past the fantasy to realize what that actually means in terms of finance, health and other day to day living, up to and including the struggles of wiping an ass and changing soiled bedding that their partner cant move off of.
I have put the thought into it and the reality is that although i can fantasize a pile of fat on a bed with a feeding tube pumping calories into a body fit for nothing else but storing more fat, it is just that, a fantasy.

I have also had hours of frank discussion with chatters and my growing partner to be sure what i want for them is the same as their goal.

What weve agreed is both a turn on and a realistic goal.
Limitations and restrictions are hot as hell.
Mobility issues are hot as hell.
Crippling obesity is erotic.
Health issues not directly impacting their ability to get out and enjoy life as an obese person is hot.
Broken furniture, clothing issues, finding places with access to use them that accomodate super obese bodies is hot.
95% dependancy on me as a caretaker is hot for both of us.
Toiletting issues and other intimate body care dependency on me to help with or clean up after due to their restricting body mass is erotic and intimate.
So long as they are still somewhat mobile.
1 month

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

That's what turns me on the most.
1 day

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

That's what turns me on the most.

Would you clarify some, please.
22 hours

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

Only to a degree. I love it when people are too full to move. And waddling because of how fat you are is adorable.

But I'm an athletic person who loves to go on long walks. If you can't keep up with a stroll, I'm taking your ass to the gym.
5 hours
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