
Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

I sorta did a basic "fitness test" having gained tons of weight and done no exercise in the last 5 months.

I can still run at least half a mile up hill at 234lbs without getting out of breath, so could be worse. Probably will be by the time I reach 250lbs, my goal, if I actually do. (Deadline is in March).
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

My wife enjoys it. She's very unhealthy but she doesn't care about it, just the opposite.
She says it makes her feel the way she wants to feel and it is an extra on top of her weight.
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

My wife enjoys it. She's very unhealthy but she doesn't care about it, just the opposite.
She says it makes her feel the way she wants to feel and it is an extra on top of her weight.

Woah, why did almost everything you said intrigued me a bit?
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

My wife enjoys it. She's very unhealthy but she doesn't care about it, just the opposite. She says it makes her feel the way she wants to feel and it is an extra on top of her weight.

I can relate. I define unhealthy closer to unfit. I still have my health, but my asthma has gotten worse as a larger woman. It is triggered by exercise, so even as an underweight/thin woman, I was never into running or sports. I always preferred being a bit of a couch potato.

At my heaviest weight (which I want to return to and exceed), my lifestyle just got more sedentary, and I liked that feeling. I work a desk job that is intense in terms of demanding time and concentration. Thus, when I am home, I need to relax. I make or order supper, then take that plus snacks for later to the sofa where I sit to watch tv, read, or go online. Unhealthy? Yea.., perhaps, but I enjoy it.
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

Once my wife started going up and down the steps one by one, I knew she hit a point of no return. Now, at 42 stone, it’s impossible for her to use the stairs and she avoids walking in general unless it’s to walk to the car. I love teasing her about her bad shape and she teases me back by complaining how massive she has become because of my encouragement
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

NOW as someone who has an attraction to overweight people. I would want to be the kind of partner who would want to encourage confidence and acceptance for who they are physically and didn’t have to change to get my attention alone. But at the same time I wouldn’t want to put them in a place where they are unhappy and uncomfortable.

(Saying in a jokingly way)
But if it’s my destiny to be attracted to one’s obesity and potential complications, so be it! It’s a cost that I am willing to deal with right before the dice has rolled.

Why do I feel like this was ripped from a comment I have seen from a Jubilee video?
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

NOW as someone who has an attraction to overweight people. I would want to be the kind of partner who would want to encourage confidence and acceptance for who they are physically and didn’t have to change to get my attention alone. But at the same time I wouldn’t want to put them in a place where they are unhappy and uncomfortable.

(Saying in a jokingly way)
But if it’s my destiny to be attracted to one’s obesity and potential complications, so be it! It’s a cost that I am willing to deal with right before the dice has rolled.

Why do I feel like this was ripped from a comment I have seen from a Jubilee video?

Ha ha! Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. But that’s something only you shall find out!
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

I feel the essence of gaining weight is to be unfit and unhealthy, but that’s just me
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

I feel the essence of gaining weight is to be unfit and unhealthy, but that’s just me

Eh, gaining weight isn't necessarily equal to being unfit and unhealthy. There are tons of fat people that are in really good shape.

Hell, one of the heaviest active sumo wrestlers in the world, Yamamotoyama Ryūta, weighs over 600 lbs.
1 month

Does anyone enjoy being unhealthy or unfit ?

Absolutely-it’s the antithesis of what I was.
I always used to rush and run and everything had to be done instantly.
My work ethic was brutal, I would often be told by senior management to calm down and cut myself some slack.
Calming down, slowing down and actually giving myself a rest at times is much better for me.
1 month
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