Fat experiences

Losing control

Its all a personal preference really and the admirer needs to understand there is a limit.
I haven't been an active gainer in many years but recently had the urge to gain a few pounds but I deal with compulsive overeating disorder at times so thats where my fear comes in.
2 years

Losing control

Thanks for all the responses I really appreciate them. It’s just really made me think about everything lately!
2 years

Losing control

Its best to get opinions from all sides.
Do what is best for you.
2 years

Losing control

You have also multiplied your fat cells so it’s tough to slow down once you start
2 years

Losing control

Your health is important (if you care about that).
The fetish is just that, it also leaks into fantasy elements that are unwise or unrealistic.

If the urge is always going to be there, indulge it while you are young still.

Once you are older it all comes at great risk and can come back to bite you.

Also keep in mind that if it's strictly a sexual thing, your libido may wane as you get older and you won't necessarily enjoy it the way you do now. Even if you're stuck with a heavier body.

Thanks. Just this.
2 years

Losing control

I feel I’m on the cusp of losing control and not sure what will happen next. . Last month crossed 250 at 5’4 and some days it makes me nervous. Never crossed 200 before Covid months thanks to diet pills etc. once I got that close. … and especially after years of family “ concern” about me getting so heavy. Now my husband has openly admitted how much he loves my gain and has been more actively encouraging it… Last night ordered second take home dessert for me behind my back and although I pretended to be dismayed, I ate it on the way home. I don’t want to go back to the old days either…. and I love how much softer and rounder I feel….
2 years

Losing control

I feel I’m on the cusp of losing control and not sure what will happen next. . Last month crossed 250 at 5’4 and some days it makes me nervous. Never crossed 200 before Covid months thanks to diet pills etc. once I got that close. … and especially after years of family “ concern” about me getting so heavy. Now my husband has openly admitted how much he loves my gain and has been more actively encouraging it… Last night ordered second take home dessert for me behind my back and although I pretended to be dismayed, I ate it on the way home. I don’t want to go back to the old days either…. and I love how much softer and rounder I feel….

I'd discuss this with your husband. Let him know what your fears and thoughts are so you two can find a way to practice feedism in a way that makes you both happy.
2 years

Losing control

Thanks. Have had a chat with my husband …. So he now plans to surprise me with extra treats no more than 3-4 times a month. Found an extra quart of my favorite ice cream last week… fine by me!
2 years

Losing control

You have also multiplied your fat cells so it’s tough to slow down once you start
YES SO TRUE…taguenutrition.com/fat-cells-battleground-unwanted-weight-gain/
1 month

Losing control

You have also multiplied your fat cells so it’s tough to slow down once you start

YES SO TRUE…taguenutrition.com/fat-cells-battleground-unwanted-weight-gain/[/quote]

It doesn't load, but the extra fat cells are definitely present here. Lol
1 month
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