Fat experiences

Fattening him up while watching my diet

Could you dm me I'm interested
1 year

Fattening him up while watching my diet

Fuck you ***
1 year

Fattening him up while watching my diet

Fuck you ***

Hey, man. This isn't a good look for you. Don't do that here because that will get you in trouble with the mod team.
1 year

Fattening him up while watching my diet

Years ago, I dated a woman who watched her figure very closely. Just as a joke, when I wasn't looking, she would take a handful of candy and quickly cram it in my mouth and then laugh hysterically.
1 year

Fattening him up while watching my diet

Fuck you ***

Hey, man. This isn't a good look for you. Don't do that here because that will get you in trouble with the mod team.

Bro literally just lives on this site, has an opinion on everything 😂

And who's the one necoposting, baby girl?
1 year

Fattening him up while watching my diet

Years ago, I dated a woman who watched her figure very closely. Just as a joke, when I wasn't looking, she would take a handful of candy and quickly cram it in my mouth and then laugh hysterically.

That could be a dream come true for me
1 month

Fattening him up while watching my diet

I don’t know if some feeders here agree with me. I also experience it in real life in my friendgroup a lot: women that are so thoughtful of their own diet/excercise regime while they complete ignore that their partner is getting fat/are fattening him on purpose! Have you experienced that too?

I personally know that I am a feeder, super attracted to fat men and making them fatter. But sometimes I think it is crazy what different kind of standarts/rules I have for myself. For me it is really important so stay super skinny and fit, to workout everyday, be super active/healthy etc. The food i am cooking/preparing and feeding to others I would never touch. Also I would never want a partner to be as active/sporty. I want to make sure that they can be as lazy as possible (for example I would always get up to bring whatever).
And weirdly enough I also like if a partner checks that I am keeping my figure. For example that he would touch my stomach to make sure there is not a single bit of fat or that in a restaurant he would tell me to stop eating and than finish my portion.

Lol Oh I know this tune all too well.

Im certified personal trainer, and Men’s Physique bodybuilder. I get questioned all the time by for being attracted to fat men and women. Just because you are built a certain way doesn’t mean you are required to be attracted to the same build on another person. That’s madness. Muscles are on others are disgusting to me. And no it’s not crazy to hold yourself to a certain standard. And yeah, I know what you mean, I wouldn’t want to date someone who was ok with me getting fat either. I dated one chick that was surprised to see me eat junk food. Another chick, literally said “you getting chunky” when I bulked up to 206lbs. I wouldn’t even consider dating a partner who wasn’t attracted to a small waist and flat abs. It’s a waste of both of our time.
1 month

Fattening him up while watching my diet

A slight twist on this is the trophy wife syndrome of the pot bellied business man who marries a hot young wife. She is happy to keep him fat. It signals to the other women he is taken.

At one of the big hotels in Las Vegas, I was by the pool on a hot day. Nearby was a couple with a young kid around 4 years old. The husband was stretched out on a lounge chair with a huge belly and a tray full of snacks, sipping some tropical drink. He was on his phone. It looked like he was doing business deals while the lean young wife in a tiny string bikini was chasing the kid around.

That night with the wife I got turned on imagining her stuffing him at the buffet while she had a salad.
1 month
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