I drink a lot of coffee, some might say too much. 1 milk 1 sugar, that’s been how I take it and I’ve always got a mug close at hand. Recently I decided if I’m trying to gain weight why not adjust my coffee consumption? Any advice on using heavy cream? And what should I expect… nearing the 200 mark and I’m hopping to fly pass it
I drink a lot of coffee, some might say too much. 1 milk 1 sugar, that’s been how I take it and I’ve always got a mug close at hand. Recently I decided if I’m trying to gain weight why not adjust my coffee consumption? Any advice on using heavy cream? And what should I expect… nearing the 200 mark and I’m hopping to fly pass it
Putting a splash of heavy cream in your coffee is super common. You can order it at Starbucks. That's how common it is.
Adding heavy cream to your coffee will give you a small calorie boost.
1 month