
Switching from milk to heavy cream

I drink a lot of coffee, some might say too much. 1 milk 1 sugar, that’s been how I take it and I’ve always got a mug close at hand. Recently I decided if I’m trying to gain weight why not adjust my coffee consumption? Any advice on using heavy cream? And what should I expect… nearing the 200 mark and I’m hopping to fly pass it

Putting a splash of heavy cream in your coffee is super common. You can order it at Starbucks. That's how common it is.

Adding heavy cream to your coffee will give you a small calorie boost.
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

Heavy cream at Starbucks! It’s like the stars are aligning and the universe has some fat designs set for me. Thanks for the tip,

Heavy cream changed my life when my feeder and I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant. I started drinking coffee with a cup of heavy cream, making it 460 calories. Do that 2-3 times a day and you will feel your pants get tight and your face chubbier!
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

Heavy cream at Starbucks! It’s like the stars are aligning and the universe has some fat designs set for me. Thanks for the tip,

Heavy cream changed my life when my feeder and I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant. I started drinking coffee with a cup of heavy cream, making it 460 calories. Do that 2-3 times a day and you will feel your pants get tight and your face chubbier!

You could do it that way. However, a lot of people do not like the taste of heavy cream. So I suggest adding it to something else like a drink or food.
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

Heavy cream at Starbucks! It’s like the stars are aligning and the universe has some fat designs set for me. Thanks for the tip,

Heavy cream changed my life when my feeder and I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant. I started drinking coffee with a cup of heavy cream, making it 460 calories. Do that 2-3 times a day and you will feel your pants get tight and your face chubbier!

You could do it that way. However, a lot of people do not like the taste of heavy cream. So I suggest adding it to something else like a drink or food.

You mean smiley
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

Heavy cream at Starbucks! It’s like the stars are aligning and the universe has some fat designs set for me. Thanks for the tip,

Heavy cream changed my life when my feeder and I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant. I started drinking coffee with a cup of heavy cream, making it 460 calories. Do that 2-3 times a day and you will feel your pants get tight and your face chubbier!

Coffee with heavy cream is so yummy, and a great addition to your daily intake, and it’s make you fatter really quickly
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

Heavy cream at Starbucks! It’s like the stars are aligning and the universe has some fat designs set for me. Thanks for the tip,

Heavy cream changed my life when my feeder and I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant. I started drinking coffee with a cup of heavy cream, making it 460 calories. Do that 2-3 times a day and you will feel your pants get tight and your face chubbier!

You could do it that way. However, a lot of people do not like the taste of heavy cream. So I suggest adding it to something else like a drink or food.

You mean smiley

That is an option, yes. But I don't know anyone who drinks enough coffee to add a cup of heavy cream with it.

Unless you are making coffee milk. I ain't judging. I don't like coffee at all.
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

Heavy cream at Starbucks! It’s like the stars are aligning and the universe has some fat designs set for me. Thanks for the tip,

Heavy cream changed my life when my feeder and I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant. I started drinking coffee with a cup of heavy cream, making it 460 calories. Do that 2-3 times a day and you will feel your pants get tight and your face chubbier!

You could do it that way. However, a lot of people do not like the taste of heavy cream. So I suggest adding it to something else like a drink or food.

You mean smiley

That is an option, yes. But I don't know anyone who drinks enough coffee to add a cup of heavy cream with it.

Unless you are making coffee milk. I ain't judging. I don't like coffee at all.

well any coffee is up for an additional heavy cream smiley
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

I agree that drinking heavy cream straight can be hard because of the taste. I generally mix one third heavy cream with two thirds half and half. I use a tad of HC in my oatmeal, dry cereal, omelettes, and soups. It is a regular part of my daily weight gain diet but I know I am still not using enough daily because my gains are slow. I probably should be consuming at least a pint of HC throughout the day.
4 weeks

Switching from milk to heavy cream

I agree that drinking heavy cream straight can be hard because of the taste. I generally mix one third heavy cream with two thirds half and half. I use a tad of HC in my oatmeal, dry cereal, omelettes, and soups. It is a regular part of my daily weight gain diet but I know I am still not using enough daily because my gains are slow. I probably should be consuming at least a pint of HC throughout the day.

I dunno. At your age, slow gains are your best option
4 weeks

Switching from milk to heavy cream

I’m not the biggest caramel fan but I’ll see what else tickles my fancy. That sounds like such a good addition

I recently saw a Super Bowl ad for cold foam which reminded me of this thread. My store carries some brands of this stuff. Not sure how fattening it is but I imagine it's similar calories to whip cream. I hope this gives you inspiration!

Cold foam is usually just whipped milk. It's not as sweet as whipped cream. It's also lighter and airier because it's made to kinda meld with the drink. Give it a smooth, creamy texture.
3 weeks
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