Lifestyle tips

Sedantary jobs

Is it worth it for me to change from my active job to a sedantary/WFH job if I wanna gain weight? Will it have tangible results in the long run?
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Is it worth it for me to change from my active job to a sedantary/WFH job if I wanna gain weight? Will it have tangible results in the long run?

It'll have some tangible affect on your weight. So if you're looking for a new job it might be worth seeking out a more sedentary job, but I don't think it's worth actively seeking one out. If you're real worried about gaining weight just trying adding a few hundred calories to your diet and that will probably make up the difference
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Is it worth it for me to change from my active job to a sedantary/WFH job if I wanna gain weight? Will it have tangible results in the long run?

It'll have some tangible affect on your weight. So if you're looking for a new job it might be worth seeking out a more sedentary job, but I don't think it's worth actively seeking one out. If you're real worried about gaining weight just trying adding a few hundred calories to your diet and that will probably make up the difference
Yeah I am definitely gonna up my diet one way or the other, just wondering if it would add some extra results slightly faster, thanks for the advice tho!
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Is it worth it for me to change from my active job to a sedantary/WFH job if I wanna gain weight? Will it have tangible results in the long run?

It'll have some tangible affect on your weight. So if you're looking for a new job it might be worth seeking out a more sedentary job, but I don't think it's worth actively seeking one out. If you're real worried about gaining weight just trying adding a few hundred calories to your diet and that will probably make up the difference

Yeah I am definitely gonna up my diet one way or the other, just wondering if it would add some extra results slightly faster, thanks for the advice tho!

From my experience going from a working retail to working a more sedentary job at a really small warehouse. My appetite was a lot bigger when I was constantly on my feet all day, but I burned much more calories. Here I really have to struggle to eat enough calories to gain weight, but I'm not burning as many each day. I haven't been working here long enough to say what the result has been, but that's been my experience so far
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Take it from someone who went from a factory job to a office job recently, it really does make gaining easier! I have gained 5 lbs so far, I started working at my new job on the 7th of this month. You can still gain weight while working an active job though. It'll take more work, and as someone who didn't exercise my feet would hurt all the time. I gained about 20 lbs a few years ago while working my factory job, but once I moved to a new building and was more active I lost the weight I gained. Calculate your BMR, then you can figure out how many calories you'll need to gain weight!
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Sedentary job has surely helped me to gain.

So I guess you could change a job, but I would definitely consider it from the viewpoints too, like does it pay well and what other benefits you get, or simply whether that job/workplace is good for you, like you don't get bored during a first month in, or kicked out because of bad economic situation or something like that. These kinds of things are important to take into consideration atleast for me, but I might also overthink it.
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Is it worth it for me to change from my active job to a sedantary/WFH job if I wanna gain weight? Will it have tangible results in the long run?

Do not make any major decisions solely based on your kink. That's how you ***rself over.

When it comes to picking or quitting a job, your kink should be a happy bonus. Have you seen the economy lately?
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Be careful with WfH, more companies have been mandating return to office with a probable intent to get people to quit.

Is it worth it for me to change from my active job to a sedantary/WFH job if I wanna gain weight? Will it have tangible results in the long run?

It'll have some tangible affect on your weight. So if you're looking for a new job it might be worth seeking out a more sedentary job, but I don't think it's worth actively seeking one out. If you're real worried about gaining weight just trying adding a few hundred calories to your diet and that will probably make up the difference

Yeah I am definitely gonna up my diet one way or the other, just wondering if it would add some extra results slightly faster, thanks for the advice tho!

Be careful with WfH, more companies have been mandating return to office with a probable intent to get people to quit.

From my experience going from a working retail to working a more sedentary job at a really small warehouse. My appetite was a lot bigger when I was constantly on my feet all day, but I burned much more calories. Here I really have to struggle to eat enough calories to gain weight, but I'm not burning as many each day. I haven't been working here long enough to say what the result has been, but that's been my experience so far

I actually find when I'm busy at my retail job it's easier to go 8-11+ hours without eating.

I joke with people that they should promote the place as a gym.
4 months

Sedantary jobs

Is it worth it for me to change from my active job to a sedantary/WFH job if I wanna gain weight? Will it have tangible results in the long run?

Yes, if you want to gain weight, then sedentary job is perfect for you
3 weeks

Sedantary jobs

It definitely helps a lot I switched from being on my feet most of the day to sitting and driving most of the day. Made it way easier to shoot back up to my highest weight again. And should help make it much much higher now.
3 weeks
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