Fat experiences

What gets your heart racing?

Riding my bike up a 5% grade at 18mph.
1 month

What gets your heart racing?

Getting on the scale in the morning and burying it, i.e., being heavier than 300 lbs, the scale's limit.
3 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Nothing really. Bodybuilding improves my heart rate. And martial arts, especially Tai Chi improves my stoicism. But I do enjoy seeing others get happy or excited. Like this thread for instance
3 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Literally: it doesnโ€™t take much and Iโ€™m really jumpy

Figuratively; the fantasy of a girl like Gina Jaboski from Paradise PD
3 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Im also a jumpy person, so doesnt take much to get my heart pumping

Although, going to restaurants where i get excited to order is another way!
3 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Honestly a multiple flights of stairs is nowadays enough for me to get my heart racing and exhausted ๐Ÿ˜…
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

The sight of mammoth ass cheeky bouncing/swaying in big flowing dresses coupled with gigantic thighs
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Whenever I do chugs or stuffings it really gets me going ๐Ÿ˜…
2 weeks

What gets your heart racing?

Perfectly Rounded:
Honestly a multiple flights of stairs is nowadays enough for me to get my heart racing and exhausted ๐Ÿ˜…

Same gets me breathing heavier then I do after sex lol...
2 weeks
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