
Regaining after losing weight, what to expect?

Since gaining weight steadily in my 30s, it’s always my belly that carries it. When I gained up to 210 (from being mainly in the skinny 130s beforehand) my belly became a basketball :-) Hard visceral fat like most men. And so it kinda comes and goes in size when I cross back and forth over 200.

My wife has been over 300 pounds for several years now and has always regained her fat in much softer layers than before :-)
1 month

Regaining after losing weight, what to expect?

This all really depends on how big you got and how you lost weight. Fat cells really don’t go away just shrink down so it’s pretty easy to gain back to your top weight. If you lost a lot of weight rather quickly it will be a lot easier to gain it back rapidly too. It also has a good bit to do with how your diet and stomach capacity is. If you binged a ton and stretched your stomach you’ll be able to eat more obviously. It also depends on your caloric intake as the body can only process so much in a day. You can of course condition your body to absorb more over time but not quickly. So all these factors will affect how you gain back after loosing.
1 month

Regaining after losing weight, what to expect?

Thank you everyone for the replies! So much great info and experiences. It seemed for me that my regain started off slow. But suddenly started going fast! The first week or so it seemed like I gained nothing. Then as the 3rd week started I noticed I gained enough to notice visually. I saw many people mention being softer when regaining and losing visceral fat and gaining more subcutaneous fat when regaining. Which would be perfect and seems to be what's happening. Not that I seem to gain much visceral to begin with. I also use heavy cream and I know it helps with reducing visceral and forming subcutaneous. Either way. I'm well on my way to regaining and I can't wait to pass my fattest of 220lbs and go beyond! Thanks again everyone!
3 weeks

Regaining after losing weight, what to expect?

Regaining can be superfast, and super hot, and your body will be much more flabby this time around, lots of hanging, sagging parts.

You should take progress pics and videos! Not that you "should" do anything.

But yea, regaining, "throwing in the towel," surrendering, and then watching the clothes get tight and the numbers on the scale skyrocket, is super hot. Have fun!
3 weeks

Regaining after losing weight, what to expect?

I used to be 264 when I was young I’m 190 ish now I’m excited to regain!
2 weeks
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