
Feminized by fat

Morbidly A Beast:
Hormone Therapy exists for people with imbalances and steroid abusers. It’s not because estrogen exists in a male body, human beings all produce the same hormones it’s just at different levels between men and women, and at different ages.

I don’t know where trans stuff comes in but it’s a different procees from what I’ve gathered.

Fat people unless they are plagued with a hormone imbalance which is common do not have different levels than their fit peers. Blood work would prove this easily.

All true. Fat people might have higher estrogen levels, but hormone levels aside, it isn't enough to cause mood changes or personality changes. Usually, any such changes can be explained by internalized fatphobia.

I genuinely do not understand the idea that estrogen is this magical chill pill juice. Ask any woman with PCOS or endometriosis. High estrogen levels make you wanna throw hands with everyone you meet.

That said, if you are gaining weight and you notice you have unusually high estrogen, see a doctor. Your weight gain is a symptom, not the cause, of a bigger issue.
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

Morbidly A Beast:
Hormone Therapy exists for people with imbalances and steroid abusers. It’s not because estrogen exists in a male body, human beings all produce the same hormones it’s just at different levels between men and women, and at different ages.

I don’t know where trans stuff comes in but it’s a different procees from what I’ve gathered.

Fat people unless they are plagued with a hormone imbalance which is common do not have different levels than their fit peers. Blood work would prove this easily.

HRT and TRT is not the same thing my dude. The hormones given to trans people and TRT are two different clinics. And steroid abusers? You realize not every man that’s on TRT used steroids, right? They’re also administered to aging men. For example, Fitness YouTuber, Brandon Carter opened up about using TRT after his test results showed he had low testosterone levels. And when he posted his results, his doctor was in the video with him and showed that Brandon’s testosterone levels showed zero signs of ever using PEDs meaning he was a lifetime natty.

Like I said, I wouldn’t be a certified personal trainer if I didn’t know what I was talking about. Like I said, Im a martial artist and I’m a former Men’ Physique, I’ve been around way more PED users than you on both ends.

Idk why we’re arguing in the year 2025 when Google is free but here you go
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

1. I literally said SEDENTARY and I said TEND. I never said that’s absolutely the case cause nothing is in absolutes. Possibility and probability are not the same thing, I’m speaking in probability. There wouldn’t be Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinics if what I said didn’t have validity to it. And I wouldn’t be a certified personal trainer if I didn’t know about testosterone levels and their correlation(not to be confused with causation) to body composition.

Do you know how many times other male feedee and gainers have posted about this very experience on this website? It’s not a coincidence.

2. And no….no I’ve never spend any time in nerd spaces. It doesn’t say anywhere on the website that I’m a gamer or anime head, right? Also, being an incel and being aggressive ain’t the same thing. I would know, I’m a martial artist that bodybuilds and there’s NO bigger space for nerds than the martial arts community. Especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. And martial artists HATE bodybuilders because we’re pretty much the adult version of jocks.

3. You: Estrogen doesn't make you a passive person.

Also you: Yeah, testosterone can make people aggressive

Thank you for agreeing with me by contradicting yourself smh.


I am telling you that your generalizations do not make any sense. People act like testosterone is some kind of aggression juice, but it's really not. It's only if you have high testosterone.

And I did not contradict myself because I specified that it is specifically high testosterone. Fun fact: high estrogen levels make you aggressive, too. It's less about the hormone so much as it is the hormone imbalance.

And I said nothing about incels. I said nerds. Not the same thing. There are plenty of incels that aren't nerds and vice versa. The nerds I'm talking about do not necessarily have issues with women. Many of them are married with children.

If you talk to any nerd about something they know a lot about and you are wrong/ they don't agree with you, you will see that aggression come out. You might not see it in your martial art spaces, but bring up what they are passionate about out of the dojo. You will see the difference.

And I would know because I'm a nerdy martial artist.

And what is this weird beef with bodybuilders? I know a lot of bodybuilders, martial artists, and bodybuilders who are martial artists. Hell, my mom used to be a bodybuilder and then switched to MMA. Maybe the people you knew never grew out of that high school mentality, but the ones I've seen tend to have a lot of respect for each other.

My brother in Christ, Google is free. Take the 5 minutes to do your research before making shit up because it feels right.

I’ve already researched years ago. But clearly you didn’t do I posted the links. Also, the the difference between generalizing and using probability.

And the fact that you said what’s the beef between martial artists and bodybuilders shows that I’m around nerds more than you. Your mom is WOMAN the beef between bodybuilders and martial artists is MALE thing. There’s literal proof on Social Media of male martial artists talking mess about male bodybuilders. That’s exactly what I’m talking. You think you’re educating on something when you’re not. Like I said, I posted articles by claims. You’re the one who clearly needs to research before you speak on this.

Stop talking to me, bruh. I’m done with you
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

Munchies: genuinely do not understand the idea that estrogen is this magical chill pill juice. Ask any woman with PCOS or endometriosis. High estrogen levels make you wanna throw hands with everyone you meet.

“All women have testosterone in their bodies. There are two methods to measure testosterone levels:

Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Total testosterone refers to the total amount of all testosterone, including the free testosterone, in your body. The range for this is 6.0-86 ng/dl. Free testosterone refers to the amount of testosterone that is unbound and actually active in your body. This amount usually ranges from 0.7-3.6 pg/ml. Women with PCOS often have an increased level of both total testosterone and free testosterone. Furthermore, even a slight increase in testosterone in a woman’s body can suppress normal menstruation and ovulation.“

Smh like I said, I’m done talking to you smh. 🤦🏾‍♂️
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

HRT and TRT is not the same thing my dude. The hormones given to trans people and TRT are two different clinics. And steroid abusers? You realize not every man that’s on TRT used steroids, right? They’re also administered to aging men. For example, Fitness YouTuber, Brandon Carter opened up about using TRT after his test results showed he had low testosterone levels. And when he posted his results, his doctor was in the video with him and showed that Brandon’s testosterone levels showed zero signs of ever using PEDs meaning he was a lifetime natty.

Like I said, I wouldn’t be a certified personal trainer if I didn’t know what I was talking about. Like I said, Im a martial artist and I’m a former Men’ Physique, I’ve been around way more PED users than you on both ends.

Idk why we’re arguing in the year 2025 when Google is free but here you go

Low testosterone is only one aspect of things. You will find things such as socialization, poor coping mechanisms, and environmental stressors to be a better sign of aggression than hormone levels. As I said before, high testosterone levels cause aggression. If your testosterone levels are within normal parameters, it will not make you more or less aggressive.

On that note, I appreciate you providing me with articles. They allow me to better understand people's viewpoints on things. That said, not all articles are created equal. I'm unsure if you were taught this with your professional background, but you must research your research.

I want to draw your attention to the study you provided. At first, it seems to support your assertion that testosterone causes aggression. But that argument falls apart when you examine its sources.

You'll see that most of the research is on animals - specifically birds and mice. And when they discuss the human link specifically, the results are more lackluster.

One of the studies used as a source is The relationship between testosterone and aggression: a meta-analysis. It is the 2nd source.

Here is an interesting except from that study:

n non-human animals, the relationship between testosterone and aggression is well established. In humans, the relationship is more controversial. To clarify the relationship, Archer conducted three meta-analyses and found a weak, positive relationship between testosterone and aggression. Unfortunately, each of the analyses included only five to six studies. The aim of the present study was to re-examine the relationship between testosterone and aggression with a larger sample of studies. The present analyses are based on 45 independent studies (N=9760) with 54 independent effect sizes. Only studies that reported a p-value or effect size were included in the analyses and the sample may underestimate the proportion of non-significant findings in the population. Correlations ranged from −0.28 to 0.71. The mean weighted correlation (r=0.14) corroborates Archer's finding of a weak positive relationship.

As you can see, the sample size is small. It also states there is a weak positive relationship. In other words, while there is a correlation, it is either negligible, or other uncontrolled factors may have influenced the results. Mind you, this is for normal testosterone levels. Aggression with high testosterone is very well established.

There's a lot wrong with this study, but the depths of it would take far more than the 4k word limit on the post and would ultimately derail the thread. If you want to talk about it privately in DMs, I am open to talking. I promise to keep civil.
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

Munchies: genuinely do not understand the idea that estrogen is this magical chill pill juice. Ask any woman with PCOS or endometriosis. High estrogen levels make you wanna throw hands with everyone you meet.

“All women have testosterone in their bodies. There are two methods to measure testosterone levels:

Total Testosterone
Free Testosterone
Total testosterone refers to the total amount of all testosterone, including the free testosterone, in your body. The range for this is 6.0-86 ng/dl. Free testosterone refers to the amount of testosterone that is unbound and actually active in your body. This amount usually ranges from 0.7-3.6 pg/ml. Women with PCOS often have an increased level of both total testosterone and free testosterone. Furthermore, even a slight increase in testosterone in a woman’s body can suppress normal menstruation and ovulation.“

Smh like I said, I’m done talking to you smh. 🤦🏾‍♂️

Hun, PCOS does not mean you have high testosterone. Yeah, some do, but you are just as likely to have high estrogen or progesterone.

I have PCOS - an official diagnosis with labwork, medication, and everything. I don't have high testosterone. I have high progesterone. My testosterone is fine.

There are different flavors of PCOS, with different treatments depending on the specific flavor. I can see you know what Google is, and that is good. But you need to learn how to use it properly.
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

If im well versed on this specific matter...

The direct assosiation between estosterone and agression is an, oftentimes false, oversimplification. What it actually does is to reinforce pre-existing social patterns and behavior. That's where agression comes from in the first place, and not testosterone, by itself.

My source for believing this is this guy:

Is this helpfull? Do you disagree with it? What do you think?
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

If im well versed on this specific matter...

The direct assosiation between estosterone and agression is an, oftentimes false, oversimplification. What it actually does is to reinforce pre-existing social patterns and behavior. That's where agression comes from in the first place, and not testosterone, by itself.

My source for believing this is this guy:

Is this helpfull? Do you disagree with it? What do you think?

Yes! This is correct! Social stressors like poverty, unaddressed and underaddressed mental health, and gender roles are better indicators of aggression than hormones.

Fat isn't inherently feminine. It doesn't strip you of your manhood and make you more feminine. Sure, you are more likely to have lower testosterone and higher estrogen levels. But it is not enough to make you not aggressive.
3 weeks

Feminized by fat

3 weeks

Feminized by fat

For example, Fitness YouTuber, Brandon Carter opened up about using TRT after his test results showed he had low testosterone levels. And when he posted his results, his doctor was in the video with him and showed that Brandon’s testosterone levels showed zero signs of ever using PEDs meaning he was a lifetime natty.

Refutes your own argument do you not see the contradiction
3 weeks
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