Arame:1. I literally said SEDENTARY and I said TEND. I never said that’s absolutely the case cause nothing is in absolutes. Possibility and probability are not the same thing, I’m speaking in probability. There wouldn’t be Testosterone Replacement Therapy Clinics if what I said didn’t have validity to it. And I wouldn’t be a certified personal trainer if I didn’t know about testosterone levels and their correlation(not to be confused with causation) to body composition.
Do you know how many times other male feedee and gainers have posted about this very experience on this website? It’s not a coincidence.
2. And no….no I’ve never spend any time in nerd spaces. It doesn’t say anywhere on the website that I’m a gamer or anime head, right? Also, being an incel and being aggressive ain’t the same thing. I would know, I’m a martial artist that bodybuilds and there’s NO bigger space for nerds than the martial arts community. Especially Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. And martial artists HATE bodybuilders because we’re pretty much the adult version of jocks.
3. You: Estrogen doesn't make you a passive person.
Also you: Yeah, testosterone can make people aggressive
Thank you for agreeing with me by contradicting yourself smh.
I am telling you that your generalizations do not make any sense. People act like testosterone is some kind of aggression juice, but it's really not. It's only if you have high testosterone.
And I did not contradict myself because I specified that it is specifically
high testosterone. Fun fact: high estrogen levels make you aggressive, too. It's less about the hormone so much as it is the hormone imbalance.
And I said nothing about incels. I said nerds. Not the same thing. There are plenty of incels that aren't nerds and vice versa. The nerds I'm talking about do not necessarily have issues with women. Many of them are married with children.
If you talk to any nerd about something they know a lot about and you are wrong/ they don't agree with you, you will see that aggression come out. You might not see it in your martial art spaces, but bring up what they are passionate about out of the dojo. You will see the difference.
And I would know because I'm a nerdy martial artist.
And what is this weird beef with bodybuilders? I know a lot of bodybuilders, martial artists, and bodybuilders who are martial artists. Hell, my mom used to be a bodybuilder and then switched to MMA. Maybe the people you knew never grew out of that high school mentality, but the ones I've seen tend to have a lot of respect for each other.
My brother in Christ, Google is free. Take the 5 minutes to do your research before making shit up because it feels right.
I’ve already researched years ago. But clearly you didn’t do I posted the links. Also, the the difference between generalizing and using probability.
And the fact that you said what’s the beef between martial artists and bodybuilders shows that I’m around nerds more than you. Your mom is WOMAN the beef between bodybuilders and martial artists is MALE thing. There’s literal proof on Social Media of male martial artists talking mess about male bodybuilders. That’s exactly what I’m talking. You think you’re educating on something when you’re not. Like I said, I posted articles by claims. You’re the one who clearly needs to research before you speak on this.
Stop talking to me, bruh. I’m done with you