Fat experiences

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

At my sister's house, together with my niece, we both ate half a refrigerator together. It was my sister's birthday and my niece and I stayed up late eating, according to us, a little.
My sister had left everything ready for when the guests came and we ate half of it.
Before having surgery, my niece was morbidly obese and there we two fat women were looking at the remains of our food binge. I didn't remember eating so much.
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

Last year, went to a games night with friends, we tend to always get alot of food for us. I forgot where i was and demolished most of the food, and came to realise one of my friends was watching me. When i finished, they let out a little gasp as i say back and my belly poked out of my shirt
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

I was at a friend‘s house for game night a couple weeks ago. They ordered a couple of pizzas and I absolutely destroyed two of them by myself and didn’t even realize it until it was pointed out and I felt mortified.
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

It's probably the one time that I managed to eat 10K calories in a day, but idk it felt more devious when I used to go to dining halls at other colleges on campus so I could stuff myself anonymously
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

Taken a 5XL shirt into a changing room and tried it on, looked at my reflection and gotten very excited imagining how much more I'd have to gain before I started bursting out of it.

Then having two dinners that night.
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

Placing a milkshake on Mathe top of my belly while driving and using my moobs to hold it in place!
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

Drank 15/16ths of a half liter of eggnog on stream. I'm still mad I was so full I couldn't complete the nog without erupting nog all over my computer.
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

One monday morning I had to go to work and not ONE of my pants would close, even if I lay down on my back on the bed and try to stuff some of the fat into the pants there, then try the button.

As hot as it was to know my stomach had gotten big enough and fat enough to do this, I still had to get to work.

I used a belt tied very snugly to hold my not-buttoned pants up, then put a sweater over the whole thing and left the house. My attractive, tall colleague C saw me and seemed to instantly know - "He's holding his pants up with a belt because he outgrew them."

I soon bought new slacks two sizes larger.
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

One day i had a day to myself in the mall, i ate a bag of gummies, had a 2 ball ice cream cone, and then went to the movies and ate a big bucket of popcorn, soda and a hot dog, i was so stuffed i had to rub my belly on the movie, thankfully i was in a place no one could see
3 weeks

What's the fattest thing you've ever done?

I went to chills one time with some friends and ate an entire steak house combo by myself and the entire rest of my Day I felt awful
2 weeks
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