
From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I have met two people. Neither from this site. I'm extremely introverted and shy so it's not something I do much. One of the people I met is a man in my city who is a very nice man, used to work in mental health so is trustworthy and a decent person, have met him a few times.
2 weeks

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

Yes, I have met with 6 people from Feabie, but nobody from FF. None of them were a good match, unfortunately.

Quick summary of each one:

1. She was 13 years older than me, and we had a great time at her apartment getting her fuller than any human should ever be, but she ghosted.

2. She wanted me to feed her but lost her appetite after a few bites and just wanted to go down on me (I refused). She was devastatingly self-conscious and neurotic, and was a heavy pot smoker. No amount of kindness and assurance could've saved her so I had to cut her off. I later found out that she lied about her age, too (I've back-calculated; she was legal age, at least). I had to block.

3. I had to do a homework assignment the night she came over so she stuffed me while I worked. I was confused why she didn't want to talk after. Turns out, she committed to a partner one week after our meetup.

4. She wanted to be hand fed and have her belly rubbed in a public parking lot. Pretty fun except she yapped about how much she loves Trump and BBC (not the broadcasting group) the ENTIRE time. I blocked.

5. She was a well-known feedee, and I was genuinely shocked that she even answered my message, let alone agreed to meet up. 3 years older than me, by the way. We grabbed dinner at a restaurant, and to learn more about her, I asked followup questions about some of the topics we had discussed online. Her answers were making no sense. She then asked what I'm looking for and it just declined from there. I wondered if maybe she was just nervous, so I wanted to give it a second chance. She ghosted.

6. She was just visiting from Scotland so I took her to a buffet, then a few other classic American restaurants until she was too stuffed to keep sightseeing. We ended up back at my apartment where she stuffed me until I almost threw up.

An additional dozen or so from here and Feabie have agreed to meet up with me but never made themselves available.

I've found that, as the man, 1. You have to be aware that women on fetish sites (and online dating in general) are absolutely flooded with messages from horny dudes, and 2. That it's pretty scary to meet up with some random man from the internet. It takes a lot of trust building, listening, and patience from both parties to secure a meetup from a fetish site (unless both of you are quite horny individuals and/or you're not the most cautious).

I will say that it helps to have decent quality photos and a good bio, to be respectful, to throw in playful teasing, and to not make yourself too "available" or act desperate.

Don't spend too much time trying to make a meetup happen. There's way too much other stuff to focus on in life.
2 weeks

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I love this question.

Met someone off FF a few years ago, became friends IRL. We just spoke this morning. Last time I was in her town, we had coffee. Smart person, good to know.

Met a FFA off another site awhile back, and she kicked off the end of my super-lean period and began the slow slide into obesity. We met up and it was delightful! I wore a too-small t-shirt and a jacket over it. When I opened my jacket, she was floored. "Wow, that's a big belly!" It was playful and fun and rewarding. And nice to be fat around someone, and to lay down and let her play with my body to her heart's delight, squeezing, praising, jiggling...

Met a woman I was talking to on line when I went to her city on business. It was delightful! A 300-plus woman walked through the door and I was delighted, we had dinner, it was nice and when we hugged, I felt her belly, which was hanging down her thighs, pressed up against my knees. A thrill...and a friendship that lasted about 3 years. She met someone. She's now well over 500 pounds, so good for her, that's what she wanted. She sure is big now! smiley

Also went to a Feabie meetup last year and met a lot of people I'd only known on line. It's nice because when you chat again on line, you really know who you're talking to.
2 weeks

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I love this question.

Met someone off FF a few years ago, became friends IRL. We just spoke this morning. Last time I was in her town, we had coffee. Smart person, good to know.

Met a FFA off another site awhile back, and she kicked off the end of my super-lean period and began the slow slide into obesity. We met up and it was delightful! I wore a too-small t-shirt and a jacket over it. When I opened my jacket, she was floored. "Wow, that's a big belly!" It was playful and fun and rewarding. And nice to be fat around someone, and to lay down and let her play with my body to her heart's delight, squeezing, praising, jiggling...

Met a woman I was talking to on line when I went to her city on business. It was delightful! A 300-plus woman walked through the door and I was delighted, we had dinner, it was nice and when we hugged, I felt her belly, which was hanging down her thighs, pressed up against my knees. A thrill...and a friendship that lasted about 3 years. She met someone. She's now well over 500 pounds, so good for her, that's what she wanted. She sure is big now! smiley

Also went to a Feabie meetup last year and met a lot of people I'd only known on line. It's nice because when you chat again on line, you really know who you're talking to.

what a great meetups! i hope to meet ffa in person
2 weeks

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

Never met a person of this culture on IRL, would love to really smiley
2 weeks

From virtual to reality: have you met online friends in person?

I've met one, it was pretty cool, we had pizza and stuff.
2 weeks
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