Food and recipes

Is olive garden worth it these days?

My birthday is coming up and I want to go out and eat on that day. Usually me and my family go to the casino buffet, but I wanted to try something different this time.

My options are Red Robin or Olive Garden. However, I haven't been to the latter in a long time. The last time I went there was back in circa 2006 or 2007. I watched one YouTube video where a couple reviewed the food and their overall opinion was negative. They even mentioned the soup tasted like Progresso.

But that was just one video and maybe the quality varies from place to place. My location does have favorable reviews. I will like to hear your guys' experiences.

My brother graduated high school last year and wanted to have dinner at Olive Garden to celebrate. I hadn't been in years, but since this wasn't about me, I went.

I want to first say the wait staff were darling. They took very good care of us, and I have no issues with them.

The food is a different story.

All of our meat (chicken and salmon) were overcooked. The food was very salty. I would not recommend. It makes me sad because the last time I went to Olive Garden before this (25 years ago) I had a great time. The food was perfectly seasoned, the portions were bigger, and the meat was ... well it was okay.
2 weeks

Is olive garden worth it these days?

Man Olive Garden is the bees knees! You got to go since it's been awhile!
2 weeks