Clothes padding

Random padding ideas/thoughts

APaddingDude: I also wanted to ask; how long does it take you to get situated in your padding to make it perfect? It takes like 1-5 minutes for me, but longer if I get distracted.

Usually about 10 minutes or so if I have a clear idea of what I'm trying to do. My belly-focused setup isn't too complicated, but it does take a few minutes to make sure all my layers and my belt are situated right before dropping in the base-gel bags.

If I'm trying out a new look though it takes ages cause I'm trying on different clothes, or taking bags out / putting bags in, etc. If I'm not paying attention I can easily waste an hour or so haha.
11 months

Random padding ideas/thoughts

My padding process usually takes me 20 minutes or so, mostly cause the lower body uses a lot of layers. Always feels worth the time though smiley
11 months

Random padding ideas/thoughts

Depends on if I am going out or not. If I need just some time alone as a total fatty than I can just shove clothes in clothes and lay on my bed being a fat person, If I am wanting to go out as a fatty I usually go as a women and that will take some time to get right to be able to make it look right. Usually about 2 hours.
9 months

Random padding ideas/thoughts

How should I pad, anyone? I don't know if I'd like realistic (breasts, ass, stomach),
or just one of these combined with breasts. I have these giant spherical pillows from my childhood that work really well for breasts, and easily fit into a small shirt that holds them. I just can't see around them.

Try them all.
8 months

Random padding ideas/thoughts

APaddingDude: I also wanted to ask; how long does it take you to get situated in your padding to make it perfect? It takes like 1-5 minutes for me, but longer if I get distracted.

Usually about 10 minutes or so if I have a clear idea of what I'm trying to do. My belly-focused setup isn't too complicated, but it does take a few minutes to make sure all my layers and my belt are situated right before dropping in the base-gel bags.

If I'm trying out a new look though it takes ages cause I'm trying on different clothes, or taking bags out / putting bags in, etc. If I'm not paying attention I can easily waste an hour or so haha.

10-15 minutes depending on how distracted I get lol
2 weeks