Been drawing for my whole life entire. At one point I made flash animations on the defunct Doink website and played around with 3D graphics softwares.
Despite my range of learnt mediums, my skills are still mid. But I do think I have improved these past years. Currently, I am putting together a visual Google slides presentation for my permit driving test. One of the slides has a drawing of Miku telling you what are the differences between prescription and counter drugs.
Is the latter project pointless? Yes, but I am a perfectionist and a visual learner. At least these side projects will refine my skills that way I can someday pursue my dream artsy careers such as producing my own game or animated show.
Imo, if you're having fun and love what you do and keep at it, you'll get there. I'm also kind of trying to be a jack of all trades. I want to animate, illustrate, figure draw, portraits and sculpt. I might not be a master in them but tbh, I preffer to think that its more like cross-training. Everything you learn can 'mostly' be applied to something else.