Lifestyle tips

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?


Measurements? (Chest, belly, hips, arms, thighs)

A strange feeling of being "tired" lately? (Your body is adjusting to carrying the extra pounds)

"Itchy" belly? (Means your tum is growing!)

Comments on "before and after" photos?

People in person? (One guy said "Your face really filled in!" "How nice of you to notice."smiley

Clothes not fitting?

Getting out of bed naked in the morning and just feeling the SAG of all your blubber? smiley

1 month

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

scale, yet mainly how my clothes are fitting.
1 month

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

While I was at my biggest -

Bending over and losing breath while trying to put on socks which seem so much tighter going on, quite a struggle and heavy breathing afterwards.

Putting on jeans and realizing they are struggling over my hips and ass. Not to mention barely fastening them lower and lower in the belly with a good 18” of gut sticking out over the waistband, and these were my 40” largest pair.

Going in for a kiss to my wife before leaving for work and bumping her backwards because of my newly packed on huge gut that stuck out a good 18” in front of me now. She would then have to get on her tip toes and with one hand palm the top of my gut and press into my huge belly for us to meet lips. She never mentioned this but my gosh it was a very noticeable discovery for her I am sure that she has a big fat bellied husband now.

Struggling to make love missionary with my huge beach ball of a gut getting in the way making me look like I was 24 months pregnant.

Sitting down on our deep soft couch at the time and asking my wife for assistance with an arm reached out to be able to get up and having her struggle with effort to help me up.

Going for a light jog which I hadn’t done for about a year and realizing I could try and run faster but then realizing when I tried to stop it took me so much extra distance to actually slow myself down because of my increased weight and off balance huge gut.

Increasing the size of my T shirts from XL, 2XL & even 3XL and realizing the front of the shirt always was so much shorter than the rear of the T Shirt because of the huge gut taking up the room in the front. The 3XL made me look very strange so I stuck with the 2XL which my belly would slightly peek out the bottom which I would constantly tug down and then rise again. At this stage it was hard for me to notice or see but I am sure there were plenty of time out in public where the bottom of my fat gut was sticking out a good 4-5” without me knowing. Sometimes I could feel the cooler air as a signal to give it a tug down.

Sleeping in bed and switching from side to side and the bed sounding like it would collapse from my weight knowing my wife must have been concerned. Also, snoring like a bear which my wife didn't love one bit.

Not knowingly spending so much extra time in the shower which was pointed out by my wife. Lathering and soaping my belly became a 10-15 minute procedure just because of the sheer astonishment and desire I found palming and soaping my massive gut that stuck 24” out in front of me after all day stuffing - I was in awe of its size during these showers.

Sorry, if this was to many - but I am sure I could think of many others if interested.
1 month

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

Mainly during weighing, it is also noticeable to them when I dress formally - I do it often. I put on the pants and I already know that I need to buy new ones or modify the current ones.
1 month

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

1. Tape measure around my belly.
2. Scale.
1 month

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

honestly? just walking/moving!

whenever I walk or move briskly I feel my fat jiggle in places that weren't noticeable before! belly, mainly, but other parts like my arms and butt have a little more wobble to them.

there was a point where I realized I was unintentionally sucking it in and had to willingly let my belly hang down. it was a whole different experience that helped me figure out that I was a bit bigger than I thought!
2 weeks

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

That is so hot
2 weeks

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

Just the appearance and feel of my body.
2 weeks

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

I feel like for me it's whenever my "big" article of clothing get's snug or even sometimes tight. I recently have been feeling the gains and it's surprising sometimes to have clothes I bought years ago that were super super loose not be too tight. sucks to have missed the period where they were just right but oh well
1 week

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?

It's one thing to develop a big stomach hanging in front of you. But I am really enamored of the tape measure getting longer and longer as the love handles come in. Having love handles makes your waist seem huge, especially if you wear slacks around your belly button, you look like a big fat tank! smiley
1 week
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