
In awe of our own before and after pics

Like most encouragers here, I love seeing people’s pics from before they got fat, and then admiring their progress. I have to say I’m in awe of mine and my wife’s gain through the years.

I was quite the skinny guy until my 30s and had no belly at all. My ball belly grew during that time to what it is today. I’m in amazement how it’s gone from visible ribs to a big ball of visceral fat :-)

My wife was quite petite when she was a preteen. Then genetics and her first two pregnancies came and her weight blew up immensely. She’s always loved showing off her shoulders, even way back when. One pic has her wearing a strapless halter with these cute little bony shoulders back then. Literally gained about 150 pounds by the time she was 22 and went from just having large breasts to having a humongous belly and soft, luscious arms and legs :-) Neither of us looks like the same person in our befores and afters :-)

Anyone else look someone completely different in their afters?
6 days

In awe of our own before and after pics

Like most encouragers here, I love seeing people’s pics from before they got fat, and then admiring their progress. I have to say I’m in awe of mine and my wife’s gain through the years.

I was quite the skinny guy until my 30s and had no belly at all. My ball belly grew during that time to what it is today. I’m in amazement how it’s gone from visible ribs to a big ball of visceral fat :-)

My wife was quite petite when she was a preteen. Then genetics and her first two pregnancies came and her weight blew up immensely. She’s always loved showing off her shoulders, even way back when. One pic has her wearing a strapless halter with these cute little bony shoulders back then. Literally gained about 150 pounds by the time she was 22 and went from just having large breasts to having a humongous belly and soft, luscious arms and legs :-) Neither of us looks like the same person in our befores and afters :-)

Anyone else look someone completely different in their afters?

I used to be a gainer. I went from having supermodel proportions to being thick, muscular, and curvy. I'm very proud of what I achieved.

I also enjoy my partner's before and after.

Mind you, he was always a big guy. But he is a lot jigglier than he used to be. I love his rolls and stretch marks.
6 days

In awe of our own before and after pics

one of the biggest thrills is when you send a before and after and the person either says "That's not you" or "It doesn't even look like the same person!"

I fondly remember my 149-pound days of dashing up flights of stairs, doing 30 crunches or pull-ups in a row, and being this tiny person.

I'm very heavy now, and lumpy, with two fat boobs, love handles and a fat face.

I love the way I looked then and I love the way I look and feel now.

Great post!
6 days

In awe of our own before and after pics

I regret not taking a lot of photos in my 20s my transformation was wild but that’s what happens when you are not confident in your body.
5 days

In awe of our own before and after pics

I have bunches of photos before I gained and it's wild.
5 days

In awe of our own before and after pics

Like most encouragers here, I love seeing people’s pics from before they got fat, and then admiring their progress. I have to say I’m in awe of mine and my wife’s gain through the years.

I was quite the skinny guy until my 30s and had no belly at all. My ball belly grew during that time to what it is today. I’m in amazement how it’s gone from visible ribs to a big ball of visceral fat :-)

My wife was quite petite when she was a preteen. Then genetics and her first two pregnancies came and her weight blew up immensely. She’s always loved showing off her shoulders, even way back when. One pic has her wearing a strapless halter with these cute little bony shoulders back then. Literally gained about 150 pounds by the time she was 22 and went from just having large breasts to having a humongous belly and soft, luscious arms and legs :-) Neither of us looks like the same person in our befores and afters :-)

Anyone else look someone completely different in their afters?

I can definitely say that I do in many ways, like my face was very sleek and now I have chubby cheeks and a double chin. It’s obvious I put on a ton.
5 days

In awe of our own before and after pics

Like most encouragers here, I love seeing people’s pics from before they got fat, and then admiring their progress. I have to say I’m in awe of mine and my wife’s gain through the years.

I was quite the skinny guy until my 30s and had no belly at all. My ball belly grew during that time to what it is today. I’m in amazement how it’s gone from visible ribs to a big ball of visceral fat :-)

My wife was quite petite when she was a preteen. Then genetics and her first two pregnancies came and her weight blew up immensely. She’s always loved showing off her shoulders, even way back when. One pic has her wearing a strapless halter with these cute little bony shoulders back then. Literally gained about 150 pounds by the time she was 22 and went from just having large breasts to having a humongous belly and soft, luscious arms and legs :-) Neither of us looks like the same person in our befores and afters :-)

Anyone else look someone completely different in their afters?

I can definitely say that I do in many ways, like my face was very sleek and now I have chubby cheeks and a double chin. It’s obvious I put on a ton.

It suites you!
5 days

In awe of our own before and after pics

Mine feel pretty extreme because of just how underweight I was, but I don't want to post them on here because I was a minor at the time. You could practically count every single one of my ribs and that absolutely crushed my body image. I ended up gaining like 50 lbs of muscle during the pandemic but even with that much muscle weight you could still see my ribs. It was only after I started gaining some fat that they got covered up and I felt more comfortable in my own skin. I had a fairly stereotypically attractive body (not quite a full 6-pack but definitely visible abs and good muscle definition) but it just felt wrong. I'd rather have fat and muscle rather than only muscle
4 days