Fat experiences

Friends with fat families

So I've been into feederism literally my entire life. Ever since I was a little kid with no concept of sex or sexuality, I can remember being fascinated with fatness and the idea of getting bigger.

My best friend growing up was quite fat for our age. I don't know what his exact weight was, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was in his early 300s by high school. He wasn't shy about it either, and he used to go around without a shirt on pretty regularly. He had two younger sisters and one older brother, and everyone in that family was at least a bit chunky, parents included. They had big meals and snacked freely all the time.

I'm straight, so I wasn't attracted to my friend, but I do remember feeling a profound envy of his lifestyle. Everyone in my own family was average in weight and eating habits, so I always felt pressure to be the same way growing up.

That led me to really fantasize strongly about how different my life would have been if I'd been raised in my friend's family instead of my own. I don't think any of them were into feederism: they just got fat the good old-fashioned way. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if I, someone with a burning desire to gain weight his entire life, had grown up in a household where food is always available and fatness isn't stigmatized. I honestly think I would be enormous right now, possibly immobile already.

Anyone else grow up with fat friends or relatives who made an impression on you like that?
5 days

Friends with fat families

I totally understand what you’re saying! My uncle and dad were big guys and when I was younger I was such a twig. Over the years I had this feeling deep inside me that I wanted to get so much bigger and was tired of being lanky and tall, so I started gorging right after graduation. College allowed me to gain significantly and now when I’m beside them I tower over both and push my belly out proudly. Family is a big influence even if they aren’t directly telling you!
4 days

Friends with fat families

When I was younger I used to fantasize about being sent on exchange to a southern state like Texas, in a small town where everyone was fat.

Always loved the idea of that lifestyle rubbing off on me permanently as I happily return home with a BMI over 40 and a sense of acceptance that I'm gonna live out the rest of my life fat.
4 days

Friends with fat families

When I was younger I used to fantasize about being sent on exchange to a southern state like Texas, in a small town where everyone was fat.

Always loved the idea of that lifestyle rubbing off on me permanently as I happily return home with a BMI over 40 and a sense of acceptance that I'm gonna live out the rest of my life fat.

I've definitely had that fantasy too! I went to a local college, but I often imagined what it would have been like to go to a college out of state where nobody knew me, get an unlimited dining hall pass, and just gorge myself all year. The idea of coming home having gained a Freshman 50 drove me wild.
4 days

Friends with fat families

When I was younger I used to fantasize about being sent on exchange to a southern state like Texas, in a small town where everyone was fat.

Always loved the idea of that lifestyle rubbing off on me permanently as I happily return home with a BMI over 40 and a sense of acceptance that I'm gonna live out the rest of my life fat.

I've definitely had that fantasy too! I went to a local college, but I often imagined what it would have been like to go to a college out of state where nobody knew me, get an unlimited dining hall pass, and just gorge myself all year. The idea of coming home having gained a Freshman 50 drove me wild.

I sort of lived this one out, only I was still young and too worried about judgement to go full out and only gained about 12lbs.

Still it was quite noticeable on my then-skinny body.
2 days

Friends with fat families

I have family who are fat, and so it’s always been around. My SO’s family is half fat and half not, so I’m grateful she inherited the fat gene :-)
1 day

Friends with fat families

When I was younger I used to fantasize about being sent on exchange to a southern state like Texas, in a small town where everyone was fat.

Always loved the idea of that lifestyle rubbing off on me permanently as I happily return home with a BMI over 40 and a sense of acceptance that I'm gonna live out the rest of my life fat.

I've definitely had that fantasy too! I went to a local college, but I often imagined what it would have been like to go to a college out of state where nobody knew me, get an unlimited dining hall pass, and just gorge myself all year. The idea of coming home having gained a Freshman 50 drove me wild.

I did this exact thing in college, dining was buffet style and I probably gained over 80 pounds my first year and just went up from there. From 170 to 310 in all four years! It was fun
1 day