
When you've always been normal weight but now you want to be obese. people's reaction?

I am 22 and I have always been a normal weight, but now I have started to gain weight and be an obese person.
The question I want to address and for you to explain to me is people's reaction to me having this change. In my case I live in a small town and everyone knows each other, so it is not like a city where you go unnoticed.
Nobody criticizes people who have always been fat and they are not told anything because they assume that they have always been and will be. However, if I, a person who has always been a normal weight, suddenly gain a lot of weight, people would see it as strange and pressure you to change.
In my case, I don't care that I have always been a normal weight, I want to live a fat life, have an obese body and be treated as such and for people to assume that I am and will be like that. What you think?
4 days

When you've always been normal weight but now you want to be obese. people's reaction?

People always ask questions like this, and I think people are overthink it. It’s normal for us as feedists because it’s sexual and sexual things are seen as deviant. And this sexualization is the crux of why people feel like it’s weird if they were to gain weight.

Let me put it to you like this
If you saw a family member who you haven’t seen in a while gain some weight how would react?

Assuming you’re not into incest it wouldn’t be a sex thing it would be just weight gain as it exits for most other fat people who are not feedists. This is how most people will react to your weight gain. At worst some vindictive person might poke fun of your “fall” at best someone might express concern. Thats it. I have gained a lot of weight I got one comment from a friend and another from my father, and that is it. People unless they are evil buttholes do not want to put you down or make you feel bad.

People will offer you extra portions at functions, people will offer to do things for you like I haven’t been up a ladder in a hot minute it doesn’t help that I exceed the weight limit by more than 150 lbs. but that’s on the heaviest ends. Maybe some lower weight fat people can help there but I haven’t been that weight in years.
4 days

When you've always been normal weight but now you want to be obese. people's reaction?

Honestly, the only way to tell is to just do it, guage the reaction and respond appropriately.

It's otherwise impossible to predict, unless it turns out we're actually in the Sims and you have access to their traits stats.
3 days

When you've always been normal weight but now you want to be obese. people's reaction?

Casual Gainer:
Honestly, the only way to tell is to just do it, guage the reaction and respond appropriately.

It's otherwise impossible to predict, unless it turns out we're actually in the Sims and you have access to their traits stats.

Yes, well, I guess at first they will be surprised by the change. But with time they will get used to my obese physique.

They will have to accept that I am now an obese person and that will be the forever that.
1 day