Extreme obesity

Belly support?

Buffetbelly wrote:
I haven't found a garment to support my belly, but when I am out shopping I find ways to rest it.

Shopping carts are great. I plop my pannus over the handle bar. The support is nice, and I can also steer the cart hands free! I still need one hard for turning corners, of course. I get a bit of a thrill manuvering my cart with my hanging belly while loading up on fattening treats. People don't usually notice until they look close, then they do a funny double take! (Is that guy actually steering the cart with his overhang?)

You have to be a bit of an exhibitionist for this one too but I find that check out counters (not the ones with moving belts!) are helpful too, like at the dry cleaners or the drug store. I just pick up my belly and plop it down on the counter. This gets rid of the reach problem, where I can hardly reach my hands around my belly to put my purchases down on the counter or get to the credit card signature device. Of course, this means spreading your belly out into the clerk's personal space, which seems to make them a little uncomfortable but they rarely know what to say! The customer is always right, you know!

Fat people make the best consumers.

Cool! Don't know if I will try it or not though.

Pannus? Just looked it up on Wikipedia if anyone is interested:

Pannus is a medical term for a hanging flap of tissue. When involving the stomach, it is called a panniculus and consists of skin, fat, and sometimes contents of the internal abdomen as part of a hernia. A pannus can be the result of loose hanging tissues after pregnancy or weight loss. It can also be the result of obesity. A pannus can come in many different sizes and shapes and can become very large, even hanging down below the knees. The extra tissue of a hanging pannus can make personal hygiene difficult. Skin conditions such as yeast infections under the pannus are common problems. A massive hanging pannus can get in the way of walking. A smaller pannus can be an annoyance with clothing as the individual sits or stands. Pannus can be removed by plastic surgery operation called a panniculectomy (which is a type of tummy tuck).

I like my pannus (or panniculus) thank you very much!
16 years

Belly support?

I find it rather nice to rest my belly on the shelf in the shower. I don't get a lot of backpain unless I"m leaning over something to work on it (like standing at a table for too long) but it is an interesting feeling to feel the muscle in the back react differently with and without belly support.

I admit the shower bit came about mostly to stop the shower curtain from plastering its cold moist self across my back as I scrubbed my sides lol.

Another few pounds and I"ll be investing in one of those shower curtain rods that arches outwards like you see in many hotels.
15 years

Belly support?

The only way I see relief for the weight of a hanging belly, would be something that was supported off the thighs, a sort of shelf with shock absorbers, and stirrups to support off the thighs. The shock absorbers would allow movement of the thighs when walking. Any thoughts?
15 years