
Favorite tv shows?

I'm going to name shows I still watch and shows that aren't on anymore :[

Rocko's Modern Life
South Park
Aqua teen hunger force
The Venture Bros.
Breaking Bad
Whitest Kids You Know
Ren and Stimpy (old ones)
Batman the Animated Series
Batman Beyond
Ninja Turtles

Uh, thats all I can think of D:
15 years

Favorite tv shows?

Lot's of faves, but my favourite of all time is Seinfeld.
14 years

Favorite tv shows?

Of all time:
The Simpsons

Right now, I've basically been watching reruns of The Nanny and Malcolm in the Middle.

However, I do like adult animated shows like The Boondocks and such. As for current shows, Two and a Half Men.
14 years

Favorite tv shows?

True Blood
Ugly Betty
13 years

Favorite tv shows?

Symbionic Titan
Teen Titans
Young Justice
Generator Rex
Ben Ten

NCIS *Abby Sciuto rawks*
Criminal Minds *Garcia rawks*
Heroes *gone but not forgotten*
Chuck *going downhill but still good*
Being Human

Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
That 70's Show
The Soup
13 years

Favorite tv shows?

Hmm, favorite tv shows eh, well lets see here.

Boardwalk Empire
Regular show
The marelous misadventures of flapjack
The ricky gervais show
An idiot abroad
The venture brothers
Cowboy bebop
Archer (although alas i have not seen season 2)
The pacific

I think thats all of them--- im sure i'll think of five others the second this is posted.
13 years

Favorite tv shows?

Bones, Teen Mom2, Reno911, Star Wars Clone Wars, Being Human(us), Family Guy and American Dad.
13 years

Favorite tv shows?

I've posted a while ago (True Blood, Ugly Betty, Skins) but I'm also really into:

Switched at Birth
Make It Or Break It
Single Ladies
Secret Life of the American Teenager
Adventure Time (Algebraic!!!)
Regular Show
As Told By Ginger
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
13 years

Favorite tv shows?

I must mention this...

Game of Thrones!!!!
13 years

Favorite tv shows?

Well I'm pretty big into anime but I won't list those off so I'm going to say House and How I Met Your Mother.
13 years
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