
Why does a thin person want to be fat?

Me again, with another thread which will no doubt enjoy the same popularity as my previous ones... smiley

Just curious as to what makes a thin person decide they want to be fat?

I suppose i can understand how someone already big can go ahead with it, for them it seems more or less like accepting who they are and revel in it, they are blessed with bigger bodies and decide to enjoy it in every way possble.

But thin people are different, they begin life smaller, what the general society would call "normal" and they have to really make an effort to be the fat person that they so desire, it's not a simple matter of going with the flow, they fight an uphill battle against thier metabolism, those who "care" for them and think it's wrong and society's forced perception that such actions are selfish, greedy and ungrateful...

So I would like to hear from all of you out thier, from those who were originaly thin, or are just starting and still on the slim side. It would be good to hear from our naturally bigger brothers and sisters too, whats your view on all this? glad to have a fellow fat ally? or secretly envious that those that are thinner get the choice to be fat or not?

Well here goes,

Have Fun All!


15 years

Why does a thin person want to be fat?

lovely_plumper wrote:
it's really about the eroticism of it for those who are really into it and consumed by it almost it's thrilling to see yourself go from thin to fat to feel the new weight to see the changes...some people just hate being thin and want to gain a few but for those who were very thin and then became fat ( I think I am one of them ) it's just a nice feeling and not all already fat people figure hey I'm fat I'll get fatter lol it's a matter of how you feel if it's a turn on if it makes you happy to overindulge and know that the extra calories will add extra pounds to your body...this is how I think a true feedee/gainer feels ...or is it just me?

lol dunno, can't wait to see smiley

thnx for the reply

15 years

Why does a thin person want to be fat?

Cool, sounds like for alot of people it's mostly a sexual thing, same as me.

thnx for all the reply's, would love to hear from some more girls too, lol lovely_plumper is the only one so far, thnx hun!


15 years

Why does a thin person want to be fat?

The reason I like to see a girl get bigger and fatter and enjoy it is because I find curves sexy...and I find softness sexy...and I love how fat bounces, how heavy it is, when a girl gets bigger and bigger and rounder and softer...well, needless to say I enjoy it a lot. The problem is simply finding someone who is like that...because these types of girls are few and far between, and in a community like this one, there are tons of people just waiting to jump on the next one who shows it's tough.

For me it's all about the sight and feel aspects of it. I love to squeeze a girl to let her know I appreciate her body, and I like to look at her to revel in her that's my answer, for the most part.
15 years

Why does a thin person want to be fat?

Because they like fat!smiley
15 years

Why does a thin person want to be fat?

disco_timelord wrote
I've been alot bigger than I am now. I was close to hundred kilos in year 7. By the time I got to year 10 I'd had enough of being picked on and dropped down to 54kgs. The only way I could do it was by literally starving myself down.

I kept passing out, which I blamed on sunstroke so people wouldn't get suspicious.

In the end I was living off one small chips from red rooster halfway through the day and 2 slices of toast at night. I was so miserable that I just wanted to die.

Pretty much the same reason for me, i gained from 60 kg to 70 hated it when i was younger and dropped to 52 kg, hated maintaining that by starving and gained weight from eating normally (and then some..) and have so far enjoyed it smiley
15 years

Why does a thin person want to be fat?

I don't think this is a question that can be easily answered. Why do some people want to look a certain way, have a certain hairstyle, like to do certain things? It's just the way a person is I guess. I, for example, am not fat but have a solid build. I used to go to the gym and was toned but never got overly muscular or anything like that. I stopped going this year and while I have not gained any weight, I have lost all my tone and am certainly 'softer' than before. I'm kind of conflicted because while I miss my toned physique, I am also intrigued by the thought of getting bigger. I'd love to perhaps try it for a year with a partner. The two of us could just let ourselves live a completely indulgent lifestyle for a year, enjoy the experience and journey, and then reassess things after that. I think at the end of it I'd get back to the gym and lose weight and tone up but, like I said, I'd love to experience being a bigger guy.
15 years