
25 things that make you unique

1. I love the colour rainbow and not those crappy excuse for a crayon things, red, yellow and blue together, everything with colour has to have red, yellow and blue in it for me...

2. i have never, had sex, done drugs, or been to a rock and roll concert, lol all the things which make life....

3. I am incredibly shy, people wonder y i don't talk, i just tell them i got nothing worth saying... (by the way, this is in RL, on the net, i'm a different person smiley)

4. I'm watched "40 yr old virgin" and saw so many similarities to myself, i thought i may have been watching my future... this scares the S**T out of me...

5. I am afraid of death, spiders, and getting lost in space, not the tv series kind, the kind where u loose contact with the space ship and float endlessly, with no way back...

6. I'm a sucker for a pretty face, i know it's incredibly superficial, but a girl could have the most horribly disfigured body, and I'd still love them if they had a cute face...

7. I severly detest people who aren't a certain level of "smart" hey, you don't have to be a genius, but if i have to explain what i'm saying every 5 mins, it's better if we go our seperate ways...

8. "Only Kindness Matters" jewel kicks ass (classic jewel that is) and this is so true, if u do nothing else with ur life, at least be kind to others, i can't stand rude or mean people...

9. I think in music, i don't know why but i always can come up with a song which can better explain the way i'm feeling then i can say it myself...

10. I have alot of incomplete thoughts, as demonstrated by my over use of "..."

11. I love toys, i own more then any 19yr old rightly should, and i can't stop buying more...

12. I love good storytelling, be it in a book, a movie, a tv show or even a song. I admire those who are so good at it...

13. I have a thing for "different" stuff. Like names, I love all those wierd and wonderful ones u've never heard of before, but ones like "Mary"? too boring... (no offense any Mary's on here!)

14. I have an alter ego, who is everything i wish i could be, unfortunatly it's just alot of fantasy... wish it were real...

15. ever since i got msn, i'm crazy about emoticons, u should see my collection, lol people won't talk to me cause i use them too much smiley

16. I hate "plodders" this is what i call people who just go along not thinking or worrying or are even aware of thier surroundings, u encounter them mostly as people walking too slow in front of u, or idiots on the road... these people need to hurry up and get a purpose.

17. I am extremely passionate (often to my own disadvantage) about everything. I don't get how people can simply "not care" sure we all have bad days, but to be like that everyday? My fire burns too strong to ever be like that...

18. I'm a nerd, not like "smart" kind, but like kind who loves games and cartoons and all stuff which is generally considered "uncool"

19. I can be opinionated, but i'm also rather open minded, nothing beats a good in depth conversation about the finner things in life...

20. I love my hair, always got to check it out if i see a mirror or reflective glass, my rents tell me it's the "wog" in me, lol finaly starting to get it the way i like it...

21. I love the improbable fantasy's of weight gain in the stories here, but doubt i could ever do something like it in real life, fun to be as big as a house in ur imagination, but i got to much to do with my life to be restricted by that...

22. I desperatly want to meet a girl who likes me for me, with my experience it seems more and more likely that it won't happen, always seems to be somthing wrong with me that just can't be liked...

23. I have a rather ecclectic view on religion, born and raised as a catholic, i have strayed due to the attrocities committed by priests and the attempted cover ups, i think humans ruin any chance a good spirituality has, better to keep it personal...

24. I have MAJOR issues with sexual stuff, aside from the fact that i'm a virgin who finds the prospect of sex scary, i abhore any abuse of the sexual kind, i am 100% against capital punishment, but give me a rapist or pedophile and i'll gladly kill them with my bare hands... (and no i'm not a victim of such things, though people seem to think that when i mention this...)

25. I love space, my greatest desire is to have a spaceship of my own and expore the vast reaches of the universe, i love watching the stars any chance i get, and the lovely moon who enhances them all... (lol people think i'm wierd cause i'll stop at ANY moment and just look up...)

hmmm, challenging, but i've done worse...



15 years

25 things that make you unique

Cynicalsleeper wrote
Maximum wrote

2. i have never, had sex, done drugs, or been to a rock and roll concert, lol all the things which make life....

you should go to a rock & roll concert dude, its really easy! & its great fun, your first gig is a lot less scary a prospect than your first sex smiley

lmao i agree, just something i've never got around to doing smiley
15 years

25 things that make you unique

1.I like to surprise.
2.I like being mysterious.
3.I like to challenge authority.
4.I like tattoos and have one myself.
5.I love foodsmiley
6.I like riding horses.
7.I like quiet places.
8.I prefer the company of women to men.
9.I like Italian cars.
10.I like to please.
11.I hate soccer.
12.I hate preconceptions and stereotypes.
13.My favourite colour is black.
14.I admire rebels.
15.I was born in a convent..well, a hospital attached to one.
16.I like to travel.
17.I cannot make my mind up whether I love or hate the USA.
18.I am generous and selfish in equal measure.
19.I keep an open mind and listen to both sides of any argument.
20.I like to be dramatic.
22.I like champagne.
23.I lost my virginity aged 20.
24.I love life and believe you should live it to the full.
25.I have my secrets...!!!
15 years

25 things that make you unique

1) i got married at 19.

2) my favourite colour is black.

3)i love animals more than people.

4)despite being a size 20 in clothing, my boobs remain a measly A cup.

5)i have hyper-hydrosis.

6)i have an erratic taste in music.

7)when i was about 4, i decided i wanted 8 kids.....and i still do.

8)i have two insanely lovable dogs, and one insanely lovable hamster.

9)i've pretty much gave up on drinking alcohol, it does me no good.

10)i have severe depression and anxiety.

11)i no longer partake of any illegal substances at all.

12)i'm terrified of spider's and tarantula's to the extent i can't even
say the words....i call them cecils and cedrics instead.

13)if i see a snail or slug, i vomit on the spot.even saying the words or
thinking about them makes me feel so ill i can't eat for hours.

14) i am petrified of nuns....the make me feel bad, guilty and ashamed,
and i'm not even catholic.

15) i hate feet, which i call "the evil things" and up until about a year
ago, i couldn't even touch my own.if someone touches my feet, its
likely i'll involuntarily kick them in the teeth. i cant stand it.
the only feet which don't freak me out and which i can touch are
babies feet.

16)my favourite author is irvine welsh.

17)i'm not much into snacks...i'd rather have HUGE meals instead.

18)i don't much like jam doughnuts....but i'm so crazily addicted to
them i literally can't stop eating them.

19)ignorance and intolerance really piss me off...i can't stand rude

20)i love kids tv shows. most of them are better than "proper" ones.
i love eeyore and tinkerbell. they're well cool.

21)i can't use public toilets if anyone is is there. i can't even use my own bathroom if anyone other than my husband or my parents are in the house.the first time i go to someones house, i can't use their toilet.i need to go to their house about 30 times before i can use their toilet.even when i've been to their house 30 times, or the public toilets are deserted bar myself, i can only ever pee.

22)i'm actually really shy inside, but on the outside i can appear loud,
brash and as a bit of an exhibitionist.

23) i'm bisexual.

24) i find really fat women attractive, but men i prefer from thin to
chunky.....not really into bhm's (no offence meant).

25)when it comes to personal hygiene, i'm obsessed, i'm like
super-duper spotlessly sparklingly clean......i bathe and change
clothes constantly.....but i think that may be linked to me
having hyper-hydrosis.

pheeew, that was hard work....won't be doing that again lmao
15 years

25 things that make you unique

1) I can do calculus in my head.

2) I have the most useless talent ever. I can read sgniht sdrawkcab, upside down, vertically and all of the above.

3) I can outrun a John Deer "gator"

4) I know kenpo, some tae kwan do and ju jitsu

5) Though I rarely play it, I'm unnaturally good at HALO

6) I find ketchup and mustard together to be awesome on chicken, burgers, and hot dogs

7) I'm always in the mood for watermelon

8) I can listen to Black Sabbath, the music in "Carmen" and Green Day.

9) I've been told no less than 47,976 times that I should be a litigator

10) My high school english teacher told me I was the worst writer she'd ever seen. My college english teacher told me I was the best.

11) Up until this year, I'd never gotten a sunburn and never needed sunblock, though my skin is extremely pale

12) I'm too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my shirt. So sexy it hurts.

13) I can't get enough football, period.

14) I make more bad puns than I can handle

15) I think I'm a terrible flirt, though I keep on trying

16) I can't think of anything to put here

17) I love movies. My favorite is Spaceballs, but the best movie of all time in my opinion is Casablanca. They don't make em like they used to.

18) I fail epicly.

19) I'm filling space.

20) I'm lonely smiley

21) I can has cheezburger

22) I'm Jewish but not religious

23) I am Ironman

24) I really can't think of anything

25) >.<
14 years

25 things that make you unique

01) I have an interest in photography
02) I'm hands on, but I can't cook
03) I'm a tradesman AND a bit of a nerd
04) I think about random things
05) I believe that beauty is on the inside
06) I have a fast metabolism
07) I love cars and motorsport, but hate idiots on the road
08) I think being down under is tops
09) Friends are the spice of life
10) I prefer brunettes
11) I think bigger girls have sweeter personalities
12) I think political correctness is a curse
13) I love the smell of rain, but not keen on the feel of it
14) My goatee is the colour my head hair was as a child, my hair got darker
15) I love sport, yet suck at it. Doesn't stop me from trying again.
16) My lifelong goal is to start a family and provide for my family
17) I think 'Red vs Blue' is 'Holden vs Ford' (Aussie joke)
18) I can't sleep in, no matter how late I go to bed
19) I can't cook, but I occasionally get great ideas for meals
20) I take great pride in everything I do, and kick myself when things backfire
21) I'm a left-handed red-head (well was a red-head as a kid)
22) I used to be a scout, did Karate and did Air force cadets
23) I'm ambitious, and when I want to do something I'll do it
24) I've watched 'The Biggest Loser' for a bit of a perve
25) I think of the conversion between metric and imperial whenever there is a measurement
14 years