
Recent weight loss & rebound

Just some thoughts I want to share with you all…

So I’m getting married soon and I’ve been trying to lose weight after my post-Christmas high of 76 kg (168 pounds) on a short 1m72 (5’5”). Note that I had no pressure from my fiancée or anyone to lose weight, in fact she’d probably rather that I’m the fatter one on our wedding day :-) She is not usually skinny herself (although an illness made her lose 20 - 25 pounds) and likes me fatter too. We often have mutual feeding sessions but I just wanted to lose weight for the wedding.

I made little effort to lose over January – February but was careful how I ate. This got me down to 74 kg (163 lbs). Over March and April I ate even more frugally and started jogging 30 minutes a day, most days. This awful regime lasted 3 weeks and got me down to 71 kg (157 lbs). I could now wear clothes I haven’t used in quite a while.

All through May, for no reason, I have been stuffing my face from morning till night, a blind gorging of all the food I can lay my greedy paws on. All day at work I’m guzzling down biscuits, cakes, chocolate bars and haribo sweets, pausing only for big lunches 3 or 4 times a week. In the past 2 days alone I’ve guzzled down a big meaty burger with beer, pizza & wine, steak with a divine gorgonzola cheese sauce. Yesterday evening after dinner at a new restaurant I almost got in a fight with the waitress as they were all out of chocolate desserts… I’m still peed off at that. Lunch today was more pizza with beer followed by apple pie smothered in full-fat cream and then an ice-cream to make up for the lost dessert yesterday.

I just got off the scale which tells me I’m at 77 kg (170 lbs) so it looks like my gut will be joining us for the wedding. Luckily my fiancée is amused at my gain and has even said she’s jealous and wishes the wedding over so she can pig out too.

We’re both really looking forward to the honeymoon gorging, 2 weeks of all inclusive decadence at a Mauritius resort :-)
15 years

Recent weight loss & rebound

That is very true. I knew one woman who was a little over 200 who was obsessed with being under 150. I lost contact with her. When I heard from her again, she had been close to 400 pounds. Of course, she is dieting again, and went down to 250, and back up to 300. She joined WW again, and swears "this time I will keep it off." I hope I don't lose contact with her when she hits 500.
15 years

Recent weight loss & rebound

When dieting,something is triggered in your brain to tell it that there is a crisis.So when you stop dieting,you put on MORE weight because your body has been reconditioned, because of the crisis that it has gone through,to be more efficient at storing fat.
15 years