
Coming out of the refrigerator


I'm not sure how many people I'm out to, because I have fat activist books on my bookshelves (which my students use like a lending library) and I talk about such things rather openly. So lots of people know I'm unapologetic about my size.

My family and very close friends know I like being fat and like fat men, though not exclusively. My live-out partner and one of my closest friends know about my interest in feeding and gaining. And several people know by default, because they use my comp and have seen FF--my daughter, my assistant, my upstairs neighbour. So I'm sure they know.

I find that easier than actually talking with them about it, somehow. I don't really need to have a big conversation about my sexuality, but I would like some people to know that some of us don't wanna be skinny, and not only prefer fat but also prefer fatTER.
15 years

Coming out of the refrigerator

I came out of the refigerator to myself about 2 months ago...

lol i know it sounds wierd but i was in total denial for my whole life that i found the idea of gaining incredibly erotic and such a turn on, i just thought i was a perverted freak, so much so that i even considered castration to "fix" me... (i come from a religious upbringing)

Anyways, curiosity got the better of me and i found "feederism" on wikipedia which after a google search of the word lead me here where after some time "confused" i finally accepted my preference.

As for other people, i've told a few online mates who i really don't know, the anonymity makes it easier...

as for real friends and family, i don't know wat i'm gonna do, perhaps if i bring a fat girl home it will be enough, or if i bring a girl home who is fatter every time they see her...

i did try and tell my dad once when he decided to give me "the talk", he brushed it off rather quickly and this was before i was even admitting it to myself, kinda put the acceptence back even further...

well thats my story!

Max Out

15 years