
Confessions pt. 2

Moonchild wrote:
bobmonkeys wrote:
nobody213 wrote:
Ok so if i have have a purpose how am i supposed to find it. I have been trying to give myself a purpose for years now and in the end i still have nothing to show for it. You are right that i should put myself on the line if i'm ever going to get over my paranoia of other people but i just can't seem to get myself to do. I think about why i can't just open up to people in front of me but i just can't figure out why it's so hard for me. I really whine about my life too much everyone has problems so why would i think other people would want to hear mine.

I don't think I have quite the problems you have, but I feel like I can sympathize with you on the not having personal relationships type of thing. All I can say is, try leaving your house once in a while and go do something on a regular basis. Join a sports team, a club, or a church (even if you aren't religious) or take up some type of classes or get a job. It doesn't matter if you like it, but do something on a daily/weekly basis that will give you something to be doing with your life. You may not immediately make friends, but your outlook on life may not be so gloomy.

Work is almost necessary for the human spirit.

Bobmonkeys is totally right, and might I also toss charity work into the pool of suggestions? Something like Habitat for Humanity is a great way to both meet people and increase your skill set, which will be helpful in getting a job eventually. It's not about finding your purpose, it's about making sure that when you find it (or it finds you), you're ready for it.

Also, if nobody wanted to hear about your problems, would Bob and I have responded?

I wasn't expecting a response at all but yes you are right you two did respond so i was wrong about that. I have tried working i even stayed at a job for seven months(some of you may think that's not a lot of time but for me it is)and i tried to make friends but instead i ended up hating everyone. While working i just wanted to kill myself and everyone around me and i used to play sports but i never had fun so i just quit like i did with my job. My big problem as i see it is that people for no real reason really irritate me. Out of everyone i meet 99% of people i hate within the first 30 minutes of talking and that 1% i just don't mind spending time with but i wouldn't care if we never saw each other again. I tried in high school and after high school and i just can't seem to like people i know i shouldn't get annoyed with people i don't even know but i just do.
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

iweissnicht wrote:
I have a hard time expressing that I am more or less a "Chubby chaser" to my friends, though I do believe that they understand that, kinda sorta now..

I also have a hard time explaining that to girls too, I feel that they would feel offended to such a thing, because it basically states that you don't follow what the rest of the crowd does.... Its hard to encourage someone that "Its ok to be normal and actually eat, and get fat, and live life like a normal human being.." ugh

I also confess that I am really shy too, like with girls.. I have yet to have an actual girlfriend and I am 19.. its sad, but true. I have had many aquantences but nothing serious. Lol I also confess after that statement that I've never been kissed either. :o Omg Sound the alarm, lol

Hmmm, sounds alot like me...
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

This thread is actually pretty touching. Started reading page one and couldn't stop. Now that I have reached the end, I have to say that I hope everyone here that has a major problem, or issue, or just some conflict in their lives, gets the help they need. It takes alot of guts to drop some of the confessions that you did. And yeah...depression does not being able to think for yourself, afraid that you'll displease others, ignoring you own needs and wants. And when you try to take care of yourself, you don't quite know how, and end up hurting those you were trying to help. Thereby bring you back to square one. At least there's some bomb music out there to improve mood. Go Evil 9, TCM, The Prodigy, and a variety of other awesome bands. Oh, one final thing. If you think you are alone, and that you can't get help, remember that there is always someone who has gone through what you have, or something very similar, and you CAN get help. No issue is insurmountable, regardless of how you feel. That is all. smiley
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

Sometimes i wish i could travel without the little problems that come up like money.
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

Just spent an hour actually reading all this and rather then say all the stuff thats been said about depression and loneliness and suicide, i thought i'd given some unique personal confessions.

"Potential" this one word haunts me every day of my life, everyone i have ever met can see it, i can see it, every teacher who has ever taught me, regardless of the subject has mentioned it, fark if you listened to my teachers at high school, each one said i could be the best ever in thier particular subject.

Unfortunately thats the problem, despite my apparent apptitude, dreams and desires for greatness, i am yet to achieve anything close, i'm not even on my way to do something like that.

I am so afraid of death that my logic lead me to believe i'd be better off killing myself now then dieing later, which will inevitably happen. When i realised or accepted that i wasn't gonna live for ever, i sought another method of immortality, i was gonna be great, make a difference to the world, people would remember me when i was gone.

So as you can see, every day of unfullfiled potential is another nail in my coffin, and the worst thing is that it's all just a stupid fantasy, like everyone else whos dreamt of greatness before me and then gone on to lead a boring mundane life.

Should just end it now and give someone else a shot....

lol damn, ended up being the same anyway.

ok, this one won't be:

I don't want to be human.

I'm scared of sex, i hate it, think it's disgusting and repulsive, just like eating and "going to the bathroom" and breathing. I wish i was not bound by such needs, I believe i am better then that, then having to satisfy some primitve lust or hunger, i look forward to the day when science can free me of this "curse of flesh" (lol i know its from WoW but i love the concept smiley)

You see, thier is this part of me who likes the idea of sex, and eating, that is the part you all get to see, the lil "demon" inside me who indulges in his selfish desires. Although i have been rather liberal about it since i've been on this site i still look forward to exorcising such evils from me.

I would work so much harder if i wasn't busy checking out the girls who walk past every 5 secs, and i'd get so much more done if i didn't need to take brakes to eat or sleep.

Imagine how humanity could accomplish without such things holding them back? I could finally achieve the greatness i so strongly seek, by focusing my all on that goal and not worrying that "i'm hungry" "i'm tired" "i'm horny" "i'm lonely"

hmmmm, please don't take any of this the wrong way, i've always been my own toughest critic and i by no means want anyone to think i would like the rest of the world to follow my view.

I just have phsycotic issues about stuff, kinda like an extreme control freak...

Anyways, so ends this late nigh rant, time for bed!

Max Out

15 years

Confessions pt. 2

I wish I had more good friends, or that I heard from the ones I did have more often.

I do a lot of things with the intention of making myself appear more interesting. Because I'm aware I have this motivation, I always question everything I do a bit too much.

I think about doing things much more than I do them. This makes me cautious, but far less productive than I strive to be.
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

Good news-

moving out soon with Endymion, thinking about starting a clips4sale if not modeling, maybe a nice blog about our life as it is the cool and cute thing to do.
and also:
Fat Princess will be released on the Playstation network Thursday, July 30th, for $14.99

Walmart... I loath the last 8 days I owe you.

In other news- I seriously want to hurt someone. He hurt my sister, very badly. Not once or twice... but three times. Punk owes me money too. I don't care when people talk badly about me... but when you call my sister who is underage and pregnant with YOUR child a low life F&^$( I will rip your head off and eat it while you slowly die.

And I still harbor hate in my heart for someone, who recently contacted me for no reason. Then I told them to stop and leave me be- I get called bad names once again, and harassed for a few days.
Both of these boys mothers should have swallowed.
I have never felt so much anger for someone in my life, but these 2 jerk offs really make me want to go a little crazy.
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

I confess....even though we have no common interests, disparate goals in life and generally have a hard time being in the same room, I'm still in love with my ex-wife and am only dating to try to keep from feeling hollow inside.
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

I'm scared of bugs and spiders.
15 years

Confessions pt. 2

I only have one friend which i never met face to face.
15 years
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