
Your id. what's it mean?

Dorian Gray is an amazing book, an amazing character and an amazing name. That simple.
15 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Reijen=Reijen in German letters.
15 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Just my name.
15 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Mine doesn't have any relation to "severing". Mine is the last name of a modern Italian philosopher I read a lot years ago when I started using this ID.

I'm not very fond of the ID anymore, but reluctant to change it at this point.

Oh I know this makes me appear a pompous idiot trying to underline how fancy stuff I read. That's one of the reasons I'd like to change my ID. Preferably to something with "feeder" in it lol.

15 years

Your id. what's it mean?

First name of my alter ego...
15 years

Your id. what's it mean?

My screen name is Japanese for "The Sword That Gives Life". It's a concept from the Yagyu Shinkage Ryu swordstyle which I have studied.
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

I have to admit. My ID name is what it says. I love a pouch of fat on a woman's belly. Pretty straightforward.
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Mine was my thought prior to signing up here. I would still like to be a lot more social here.
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

*Points at his ID* What do YOU think it means?

It is a mystery...

But here we go.

My name came to me with a stroke of genius. I wanted to stay away with the "Feeder" aspect of the interest. So I went with creator instead.

And there you have it. Oh, and the 82..well, that's when I was born this time around. lol
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

I like ferrari f1 team

and the 504 was a random number ea gave me when i signed up for timesplitters online that has kinda stuck on all my user names
14 years
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