Body inflation

*knocking up* fetish?

*raises hand* definitely! stuffing & preggos just seem to go hand in hand for me- that overall full feeling & getting to eat whatever you want just adds to the excitement! ^_^
15 years

*knocking up* fetish?

no need to be embarrassed about it, suedehead84- you're among friends & admirers here! embrace those who share your interests & know we shall do the same with you ^_^
15 years

*knocking up* fetish?

Mmm, awesome smiley
15 years

*knocking up* fetish?

I find it amazing that so many girls are into this?

not something i'm into myself, but one can't deny the beautiful changes a woman undergoes during pregnancy...

I just thought it was a guy thing and i always felt bad about the idea of getting a girl pregnant and being reponsible for all the pain she will have to go through...

But i'm just wierd like that...

15 years

*knocking up* fetish?

Nothing better in my eyes... hands... you get the idea. Add a dash of "nonconsensual" on the part of either party and it gets even more intense. Must be some D/S thing.
14 years

*knocking up* fetish?

I have lactating fantasies, too, as well as wanting to make love to someone lactating, both male and female. (OK, I'm kinky. Really, that's news?)

I don't know if it's true of others, though I've read that it is, but when I was pregnant, I couldn't get enough sex. Hormones, increased blood volume, etc. But for all y'all who are looking forward to this event, just know it's quite likely to be a fun time if your relationship is good!
14 years

*knocking up* fetish?

shazzercafe wrote
If there was a way to have everything that goes with pregnancy (sans morning sickness), and not actually have a bun in the oven, I would be in seventh heaven.

if only there was a womb inplant. i love the pregnent bellies and lactating. heck i want to have that too and im a guy. but unfortuanly pregnancy doesnt last verry long so id rather just have a big girl and induce lactation. much softer that way too smiley
14 years

*knocking up* fetish?

Loooooots of people (male and female) have this fetish. In fact, I'd say it's easily more popular than fat admiration. Which means....we need to get more people to love fat smiley
14 years

*knocking up* fetish?

i do like the idea of having sex with a pregnant lady,and to impregnate big ladies too..making her already massive body huge with life in it,it is definitively a great idea..i herby concurr with missambers34 conclusions..the massive communications mediae,with its 24/7 continuous bombardments,and "society moral rules",has made this idea look like a sin..whom gave them moral rights so as to criticize this instinct??
14 years

*knocking up* fetish?

My wife was never sexier to me than when she was pregnant. Would loved to have 'knocked her up' a few more times for that part of it....but one kid ended up being the right life decision for us. (edit: to clarify, I love kids and from that aspect would also have liked to have had more, but some kids end up being higher maintenance than others, and some people take to parenthood better than others.)
14 years
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