
My secret is out.... guardian ain't happy

To be honest, i really don't know...

Some times, I'm of the opinion that it makes me happy and feel good so how can something like that be bad. Everyone has there wierd kinks and mine is no different...

Other days though...

I feel sick to my stomach, thinking i'm a twisted perverted freak, who needs to be cured of this illness of mine and returned to the world of "normal" people...

Mind you none of this is because of other peoples input, i'm still very quiet about the whole thing to people i know, the constant struggle i experience is born from my own self doubts and misgivings, but these extend far further then just feederism related issues...

Sorry, i guess this doesn't help, i just wanted to let out a bit of my inner torment...

15 years

My secret is out.... guardian ain't happy

For what its worth here is my story, i kept my FA and feeder feelings locked away for many many years and even married a thin girl to try and "cure" myself. In the end it all went horribly wrong, she got hurt and i have just wasted half my life denying my inner self. I was so affraid of how people and my freinds etc would judge me.
All i can say is if I had my time again I'd be true to myself no matter how tough. Get it over with come out, in the end you are what you are and trying to be something else will kill your sole.
Andy (piebelly)
15 years

My secret is out.... guardian ain't happy

Gentle_Camren wrote
Well today is the day I apparently have been told something is wrong with me. Somehow, my dad decided to snoop around my computer while I was away from it and take a peek at what I had on it. What he found were things he didn’t want to see so quietly and calmly he pulled me aside and said I have a problem.

He found out that I like bigger women and now he wants to seek help for this ideal fetish of mine. He says it’s not healthy of me to be around and encourage girls to gain weight. Now I will say that I do encourage and I am a feeder if I was wished to be but I don’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. I tell them it’s their choice and I have been denied quite a number of times before. Is there really something wrong with me? Or is this another way that society is trying to make me step back?

He researched on the topic and didn’t think it was appealing. He said there are conditions and fancy names for these conditions of our community: The Bigger Person Community, The Fat Positive Community, The whole aspect of bigger men and women along with admirers, etc.
I want to know the personal opinion of others on this subject. Is there something wrong with us? Because I don’t believe there is at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, right?

Anyone have similar probs like this?

Again I don't agree with him but I want to know ya'lls opinions are...

My dad found out I liked bigger girls and did the same thing (pulled me aside). I'd hate to sound like an ass, but It was my preference, not his. I continued to date bigger girls and he had to accept that.

On the other hand, Bulimia and Anorexia are diseases too, yet would he complain if you liked those girls?
15 years

My secret is out.... guardian ain't happy

fatgirlangie wrote
Maximum wrote
Other days though...

I feel sick to my stomach, thinking i'm a twisted perverted freak, who needs to be cured of this illness of mine and returned to the world of "normal" people...

Not to be mean or anything but I found this almost hurtful. I'm a big woman and I would hope the man that likes me doesn't think that way.

I'm just as normal as anyone else. Just because I am fat doesn't mean I am less of a person or that the guy who likes me is perverted for being attracted to me.

Sorry, never meant to hurt anyone, i guess i wasn't very clear.

I'm sexually attracted to fat, i have no problem dating a bigger girl cause i like her and think she is cool, what i have a problem with is having a lustful desire of someone because they are fat.

When it comes to girls all they needs is a pretty face and i'm sold, i do not have a preference for thinner girls because they make me feel normal, i have an issue with my sexuality and lust being controlled by such a strong desire for fat. It has nothing to do with fat girls being unlikeable, a larger girl can be as attractive as a smaller one, but i don't feel right liking someone "just cause there fat"

>.> i really don't think i've made things any clearer...

*sigh* sorry to anyone who was offended, not my intention...

i'm just not 100% comfortable with being turned on by fat
15 years

My secret is out.... guardian ain't happy

I actually got found out by my mom...that made for some awkward conversation. When she figured out that I was a gainer that made it even more awkward. She did almost the exact thing that your dad did, suggested mental help. But in the end she seems to have accepted it, and the fact that I haven't gained any large amount of weight since then helps too.

So I guess what I'm saying is just chill for a little while and you father may forget about it as the bigger issues come along.
14 years