
Simple changes?

You know, I've seen this book everywhere I go. It doesn't matter what store, the book is always there. I think it's called "Don't Eat That, Eat This!" and is about simple changes to your diet for the purposes of losing weight. For example, instead of Haagen Dazs ice cream, it tells you to buy Dreyer's instead because it has fewer calories. However, there's really nothing stopping you from buying the book and following its advice in reverse.
15 years

Simple changes?

Funny thing, I just strated implementing drinking (regular Coke) back into my lunches for the past month. Although I have been working out harder than ever and doing major abs in the past month and eating fairly healthy My waist line and fat in the belly have not reduced any.

In the past whenever I would do abs and work out this hard I would easily lose 2"+ in my pant size or in my waist within a month.

To bad my wife doesn't drink regular soda or coke. I think she would pack on the LBs. fairly quick.

I am sure if I was not working out in the past month and still drinking the cokes I am sure I would have gained a good amount of weight and none of my pants would even come close to buttoning.
15 years