
Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

I would have to say thin because as someone who enjoys seeing memebers of the opposite sex gain weight, a thinner starting point allows for a greater amount of time which that can continue before it has to stop out of health concerns.
15 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

Personally, I love the idea of starting with a "blank slate" and being there every step of the journey, but reading all of this makes sense so maybe a girl who is slightly chubby would be better (and she'd already look awesome to)

I'm not into overly thin on girls, no bones and anno stuff, but by the same token I do not want to be with a girl who wants to gain past mobility and become unhealthy. Starting off with an already large girl would limit the amount of room to move (figuretivly and literally)

Of course though, nothing wrong with fantasising about immobility, i'm just not into a co-dependent relationship.

Max Out

15 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

start with 1 .its very pleasure when u follow pics of slim to very fat.
15 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

Gotta say I go for the blank slate. The change is most pronounced from pound to pound. With really skinny girls (bones and everything, Neko) there's also the fact that they immediately look so much healthier.
15 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

I think years ago(before internet) I would have answered this question differently than now. Then I would have preferred to see someone skinny gain to a complete transformation into a full-fledged BBW. But my observations both in real life and from the internet have led to a change of heart. Being realistic I now think that average to slightly plump is the preffered starting point. The reason is that I have seen many average to plump women becaome BBW's.But a person who starts thin seems to be able to add quite a lot of weight initially-and then reach a plateau. My very favorite S31 model was Michaela. She started at a thin 5'7" and 127. When she left she was 260 and gorgeous. But as a young adult she was a curvy 155. So even though she appeared in photos to break my trend or more accurately-my theory. In reality she was slightly plump to start with.I'm sure there are exceptions -but they seem rare. So here's to the average to slightly plump women who grow into plush BBW's!smiley
15 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

fattenmeupfeedee wrote
I love the idea of a thinner (not fat or chubby) girl getting fat, so I'd have to say I like them thin from the start/not fat. I think that's part of the fun! Watching a thin girl gain and gain until she's fat.

Yes that too, to see a thin girl gain weight and watching where she puts on the inches as she grows is definately part of the excitement.
14 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

i prefer thin or chubby getting fat. i think the change is more noticable and fun in the smaller girls. that doesn't mean i wouldn't take a fat girl and make her bigger, but in general i like chubby girls the best, especially if they have big boobs.
14 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

Why is it so sexy for a man to want to watch his woman grow to me. I do not know. It drives me wild.
1 year

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

I don't think I could choose. Slim guys are so cute when they thicken up; you can keep at it for years and years. Chubby guys are just objectively good, no matter the size.

It wasn't mentioned, but I enjoy seeing muscular guys soften up - even better if they retain their muscles.
1 year

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

something tells me that feeders wanting a thin/skinny/fit feedee is a lot like wanting a puppy but losing interest or appreciation when they are a full grown dog, and it’s something I can’t really shake.

Feedees: do it for you! As someone who was fat before choosing to actively gain.
1 year
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