
Are you bi curious but haven't tried it yet?

Growing up catholic when it was generaly frowned upon i was pretty homophobic due to my family and society.

As i got into puberty i started worrying that fantasizing about myself being fat meant i was gay, so i began imposing my fantasies on girls.

Through out high school i'd have the usual thoughts and stuff every guy seems to have of seeing how another guy can be attractive. Of course i buried these and ignored them, as most do, but outside from the general "he looks cool" i had no further interest.

As puberty developed and i started becoming sexually aware i was drawn to girls and thier bodies, i had no interest in a guy, they just didn't have the same sex appeal as girls.

As i reached the end of high school, i started to doubt myself because i was so shy and had such a hard time tlkn to girls, i started to think maybe it would be easier if i was gay.

I ended up exploring the idea in my mind for a while and came to the conclusion that while i could like a guy in almsot every way i like a girl, I have 0 sexual attraction to them, sure i can see some are hot, or cute but i have no desire to be intimate with them, closest would be a hug and maybe exploring some of the sexy flab around here with my hands ^^.

At the end of the day, I see myself as straight, because women are what i truly desire. However if sex was taken out of a relationship i supose i would be Bi.

lol i know complex, but we are all unique! smiley
14 years

Are you bi curious but haven't tried it yet?

Nash wrote
I've been curious as to what it would be like to be with a very overweight man before. If my morals weren't an issue I'd try it. It's not a gay thing, just a monogamous thing.

Similar here. When I was young and single I was pretty naive. I didn't really know that such a thing as 'bi' existed, and I knew I was attracted to women, so I figured my fascination with fat guys was just something akin to jealousy. By the time I realized what I was feeling towards some fat guys was more along the lines of lust, I was engaged. Hence, with the 'monogamous thing' I never followed up on those feelings.
14 years

Are you bi curious but haven't tried it yet?

Hee, I am reminded of this comic:

Though I do think that's too simple. It can be hard to find someone to act on bi fantasies with, and some people (as has been mentioned) are in a monogamous relationship before realizing they are sometimes attracted to people of all sorts. Anyway, in answer to the question, yes, I am.
14 years

Are you bi curious but haven't tried it yet?

1) I find large women very sexy

2) I've had a fantasy, where a large gal I had a crush on, would change bodies with me, and we would have sex.

3) A fantasy of being fattened to have a feminine body and then have a guy have sex with
14 years