

It doesn't work. Period.

It is all talk. Once you get into it seriously they all run. I have been on this site for 4 years and every single one of them that had said anything like that, always talk a good game, but when it comes down to the actual main event, they bolt. It never fails.

Encouraging is just a fancy way of saying "I want to live out my fantasy until it gets real, then I'm gone."

Basically its for those of us who can never meet in real life to do this online. One person eats on cam, and the encourager, well..gets them to eat one little bite more. Its all about commitment, and the guys this time have alot more of it then the women do.

It's made me quite angry with people who never seem to want to follow through with what they say.

14 years


I think this would be better taken on in a personal discussion.
Some people have limits that others can not cross if that makes sense.

I can not say the rules of "taking over" apply across the board to everyone. I suggest you ask each person individually what they specifically mean.
14 years