Personally I must admit I’ve never put much value in numbers.
When thinking of my BMI, my doctor said it best when he said: “Your length is not on my chart, and neither is your weight. When I calculate your BMI you’re definitely morbidly obese, but when I look at you, you’re not morbidly obese, you’re just big-boned”.
Back in my bodybuilding years everyone always wanted to know my arm measurements and the amount of weight I could lift. I never could care less about those numbers.
Now that I’m focussing on gaining, everyone always wants to know how much I weigh and how big my waist is. I couldn’t care less about those numbers either. What DOES give a thrill is seeing these numbers of my scale go up, seeing this sphere that blocks the view to my feet swell bigger, the feeling of having a belly and seeing it become larger, seeing my reflection in a mirror and thinking “Now thàt’s bodybuilding!” As long as I can enjoy a good meal and still feel that becoming fatter makes me look better, I’m content.
I don’t care if that’s at 400 pounds, 500 pounds, 600 or even 700 or 800 pounds.
As someone once said (and I don’t know who it was); “It’s not the end destination that’s important, it’s the journey of getting there.”
17 years