
Growing up fat...

Tattooed_Evil_Puppy_13 wrote
i grew up fat and i was picked on alllllll the time! but what sucked was i didnt just get picked on coz of my weight, for most of my school life and i was the tallest in my year (and in infants and juniors the tallest in the school!) and also a 'boffin' annnnnnnnnnd virtually my whole life i have loved rock music and been ''different'' so i got it for my weight, height, intelligence and 'lifestyle'/music taste. it majorly sucked a*se!!!!! but.......i gotta say if it werent for them picking on me and that and starting on my sis (she got the same abuse!.....well she did until i threatened to put them in hospital =P) I wouldnt of turnt into such a 'dont give a f*ck', outrageous b*tch who wont take sh*t from no one and tbh i think it adds to my uniqueness even more and i can sympathise more from having to experience being 'victimised' so much.

and on the whole fat kid issues if my kid was like it, well then so be it, no matter what they were like i'd support them, as i know from experience it is possible to do all the school activities like sports and plays and being fat, coz i did alllllllllll that and i didnt loose an ounce and i dont think i would of changed it for the world. surrrre it was hard but so is life!!
14 years

Growing up fat...

Tattooed_Evil_Puppy_13 wrote
i grew up fat and i was picked on alllllll the time! but what sucked was i didnt just get picked on coz of my weight, for most of my school life and i was the tallest in my year (and in infants and juniors the tallest in the school!) and also a 'boffin' annnnnnnnnnd virtually my whole life i have loved rock music and been ''different'' so i got it for my weight, height, intelligence and 'lifestyle'/music taste. it majorly sucked a*se!!!!! but.......i gotta say if it werent for them picking on me and that and starting on my sis (she got the same abuse!.....well she did until i threatened to put them in hospital =P) I wouldnt of turnt into such a 'dont give a f*ck', outrageous b*tch who wont take sh*t from no one and tbh i think it adds to my uniqueness even more and i can sympathise more from having to experience being 'victimised' so much.

and on the whole fat kid issues if my kid was like it, well then so be it, no matter what they were like i'd support them, as i know from experience it is possible to do all the school activities like sports and plays and being fat, coz i did alllllllllll that and i didnt loose an ounce and i dont think i would of changed it for the world. surrrre it was hard but so is life!!
I was fat until I hit my teenage years and there was always an undercurrent of teasing etc against me and the other fat kids and showering after sport brought it to the forefront!But I agree that people are bullied for other aspects that are 'different' and not the norm..obesity is just one thing.I think it gets easier as you get older and teasing like that when you are young can make many kids very hurt and upset.
I haven't got kids,but if I had I would not expect them to be fat..think you have to guide children,but ultimately let them make their own choices in life as we all did.
14 years

Growing up fat...

I was a chubby kid...and I was made fun of for it. Never to my face though, odd comments about how I have "such a pretty face..."
Then when I was malnourished, and losing weight I magically had more friends...until I passed out once from not eating for 2 days.

I was still semi-popular. I never fought much with people, and I did date a few jocks/cheerleaders.

I do remember at my high school we had these things called Spirit Meetings, once a month we would all get together and talk about bullies and stuff. I remember a Senior when I was a Junior broke down and cried. He was state champ for wrestling and all that jazz.
He asked for forgiveness in front of the entire school, because he had made fun of me for 4 days straight. I remember him mocking me, and saying rude things... I let it go though.
He said he had done it because his father ridiculed him, and measured out what he ate. His dad loved him, just didn't show it right all the time, and was very controlling. He knew it was not an excuse.
There was hugging and he and I are still in contact.
I knew growing up I was different, and I knew and know that most of the time people make fun of others for a reason- they dont like you, they dont understand you, they need to destroy something or someone instead of themselves, or they are jealous of you.
14 years

Growing up fat...

thexvob wrote
OniGumo wrote
I was made fun of alot in Elementary School. Those years sucked. No other description for it. But the ridicule began to taper off in Middle School, and not because of any increase in maturity of the other kids mind you, that was when I broke 6'. Mostly it was the other boys who made fun of me, but after I got to be twice their size and a foot or so taller than them I guess they just didn't have the balls to say anything else.

Strange ... I live half a world away in an absolutely different country, and yet when I read this it struck me: this is MY life, including the 6' stuff, etc; like long lost twins in a soap opera. By the way, my kids haven't been bullied in elementary school, even though they were rather chubby. Who knows, maybe we are becoming more tolerant?

True enough lol, the kids in the lower grades look for easy targets and as soon as the kid no longer fits that they move on.

I hope you're right, this world could certainly use more tolerance.
14 years

Growing up fat...

JustinNasty wrote
You all realize that pretty much everyone in elementary school got picked on? Skinny, fat, white, black, short, tall.

ANYTHING that makes you stand out makes you a prime canidate for getting picked on. Maybe 10% of kids never got made fun of... pimples, being skinny, being fat, being really tall, being short, any physical disability, a bad hair cut, glasses, braces, freckles, the list goes on and on.

Being picked on made you all who you are and made you realize its wrong and actually able to empathize with people. Me getting picked on for being pale, skinny, and having pointed ears when I was little made me who I am today. I know not to bully smaller people and that people are different, just respect it.

I feel like this is opening a door for whiners

This is true, but you rarely get the kind of animosity with the others as you get when you're overweight. Everyone, and I mean everyone, goes out of their way to make you utterly miserable. It's a rather soul crushing experience, the only other group that is attacked more mercilessly than the fat is the gay. When other children sense that there is something that makes you very different on a fundemental level then they open the floodgates.

I'm not trying to say that others don't get picked on, I'm not even really trying to say that fat kids got picked on more than others. The message here is that fat kids, because they are easily identifiable as different, get another kind of ridicule.
14 years

Growing up fat...

eagledancer wrote
(do you still have pointed ears? How awesome...)

I have pointy ears! I like to think it means I have secret Elven heritage ^_^
14 years

Growing up fat...

I was a fat kid. In summer camp, they had a pig calling contest for the final evening program, and the counselors picked me to be the pig. Then they found my parents would be there. They picked another pig, and I was upset.
14 years

Growing up fat...

Maximum wrote
eagledancer wrote
(do you still have pointed ears? How awesome...)

I have pointy ears! I like to think it means I have secret Elven heritage ^_^

Could you show me the way to realm of the Wood-Elves? I seem to have forgotten the way XD
14 years

Growing up fat...

RobIsStrange wrote
I was reading this and yeah, I was made fun of for being fat a lot when I was little, I have pretty much been fat nearly all of my life. Thankfully it tended to stop in high school when I was no longer the only fat kid.

But I also pose a question to people who were fat for most of their lives or who were fat before they knew about or understood this fetish:

Did being fat before-hand sort of take away any of the fun in this fetish/preference? Not being able to experience the journey involved? Not being able to start from the beginning, get your first couple of pounds and out-grow your clothes like others you would see? Did it kind of take away some of the excitement for anyone else?

For me, definately not. I think on some level I always knew I loved being fat. Though it was hard to focus on the positives about being overweight when I was being picked on. But usually once I was away from the bullies I could enjoy my fat.

Not to mention that I would often have dreams about getting really HUGELY fat. That was a clue lol
14 years

Growing up fat...

ages wrote
hmm this definatly has made me realise how important it is to come out of the fa/feeder closet and not pretend like this isnt a part of my life.


14 years
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