
Soft belly fat! how to get it?

I'd like to know too, i want to be covered in lovely, soft fat!

14 years

Soft belly fat! how to get it?

This is what I've picked up.. There are two types of fat cells - Subcutaneous and Visceral.

The hard fat located inside the belly (Visceral fat) requires excessive beer consumption in combination with food intake, especially food with high fat content for example bacon, fried food, cream, butter (this type of food will also stick inside your veins and arteries)...

The soft fat (Subcutaneous fat, located directly above the abdominal muscles and just below the skin) on the other hand develops from excessive carb consumption. So my advice is to eat lots of carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes, rice, bread) and avoid the bad fats, you will soon notice a soft layer of fat developing on your belly smiley

More carbs less fat!
14 years

Soft belly fat! how to get it?

RubyRipples wrote
For many years i lived almost entirely on carbs, as i had such a low food budget. My belly was very solid fat, and not hanging. In the past three years or so my diet has changed a lot. i eat hardly any carbs, much more protein, fruit and veg, and some sugar. Now my belly hangs, is marshmallow soft and totally differnt to how it used to be.

So... I don't believe there is any way to specifically get a soft or hard belly.

In my own case, I THINK that being less mobile has softened up my muscles so that my fat feels softer and hangs more. Also I have a theory (could be totally wrong though) that as parts of your body struggle to fit more fat on, the majority just goes to your belly and so it will inevitably get softer.

Very interesting, always admired how soft your belly looks, thanks for the tips!
14 years

Soft belly fat! how to get it?

lovescurves86 wrote
From what I've heard. exercise burns off visceral (hard) fat more quickly. So if you exercise a bit and eat lots of carbs then you should get lots of soft fat.

I'll second that. Anything with lots of high fructose corn syrup is a great way to get a soft belly fast.
14 years