
Ripped/fit to fat

I was never ''completely ripped'' but used to work out regularly with weights and was certainly toned until the start of this year. If you saw me walking down the street today you wouldn't call me me fat, but probably slightly chubby, which is a big change from a year ago when I used to have lots of slim fit shirts that I can no longer wear. Reasons for getting bigger - the usual that are stated on here. It's just an urge that kept getting stronger and I had to act on it.
14 years

Ripped/fit to fat

Five years ago I was a 'gym freak' and only ever ate low fat/low carb and weighed 12stone (168lbs) and had a 32 inch waist.
I now weigh 15stone (210lbs) and struggle witha 38inch waist.I LOVE foodsmiley
The transition is difficult in a very anti fat world and the best advice I can give is to really go for it (half hearted measures will not do!)and when you get fat,flaunt it with pridesmiley
14 years

Ripped/fit to fat

Too many Cakes wrote
how long did it take to loose muscle?
Probably a while...but it's all a question of toned in the first place,how sedentary are you going to become etc?I am still quite muscular as I am still very active,but also have is possible to be both fat and fit and to have both muscle and fat...the best example I can think of off the top of my head is the actor Brian Blessed who is clearly a big man but who was on TV a couple of years ago trying a climb of Mount Everestsmiley
14 years

Ripped/fit to fat

^^It's very important to remain active even when getting fat. I never want to be the guy who struggles with breathlessness after walking up a flight of stairs. I walk up a 175 step flight of stairs at the tube station every day. Never an issue. The day that starts to become tiring, I'll know I need to stop my gaining.
14 years

Ripped/fit to fat

thexaulted wrote
I pretty much gave it up in exchange for what I wanted. I still work out but used to really be into it, the diet, the lifting and cardio. I was always getting comments about how I was with that said! I had been a closet feeder for most of my life, and as I have said on this forum before, about 9-10 months ago I came out of the closet about it with my wife. I had been feeding and fattening her secretly for years. After coming out about it and feeding her even more she started telling me how she likes bigger men. I guess she kind of came out of the closet also. Now she keeps putting demands on me as I do on her, lol! Now at 230 lbs. or so I have somewhat of a gut and love handles. She's demanding 250+ lbs. What can I do....I want to feed her and want her gaining so I have to reciprocate. Don't mind at all!

lol, sounds fun as smiley
14 years

Ripped/fit to fat

I was never really ripped, but I was in decent enough shape for a long time in my life, visiting the gym regularly, before I decided to finally go through with letting myself go.

For me, I just always knew I wanted to be fat. I really enjoyed the feelings I would get after being at the gym, and if I could still get those post workout rushes and be fat at the same time, I'd be having the best of both worlds.

I think a lot of it had to do with me simply knowing that I wanted to finally go through with what I wanted to be all my life. It took a while for me to become comfortable enough to go through with gaining weight, and I'm still trying to come to terms with my own body image to some degree. I try to look at it as a part of the journey in becoming comfortable with who I am, I guess.
14 years