juicy wroteHeatherBBW wrote
I honestly think it's more my paranoia then there actually being any horrible smells that I'm battling. I was just hoping to find out if there were things that people used that made them feel fresher so I can maybe break my bad worry habit.
One lover I had for many years used to wash me before certain more intimate acts... I was annoyed at first, but it became part of our foreplay. He would get a warm washcloth and wash where he intended to kiss, and once I wasn't insulted, it was great fun. Might be an easy way to overcome the worry?
This is probably the way to go, but I'd have to be at a very comfortable stage with someone to allow them to do something so personal for me and I think that comfort is limited when someone is with a new partner.
I generally get up and go to the ladies room and "freshen up". But it kinda ruins the makeout mood by me hopping to the bathroom because I'm worried.
Honestly, I feel silly even posting this stuff as 100% of those I've been intimate with have been aware of my concerns and have told me that I don't suffer from any bad odors. Even with the positive reinforcement, I can't shake the feeling that because of all the skin folds and lack of air getting to those places, that I have to smell more then someone much smaller. Also, I always wonder if they are just being kind because they know I'm sensitive about it or if maybe all my hard work showering/lotioning/grooming is the reason why they think the way they do. I have to say, that hard work is getting harder the fatter I get and almost impossible on some levels.
I often wondered why the number of actual sexual partners I've had is due to my being extremely selective or a combination of my selectiveness and my stinkanoia. I'm not prude in any way, but my "#" is pretty darn low and that's probably a good thing... BUT, as I get older, I wish I had taken up more opportunities to get naked with people I dated in the past. LOL. I also find that when considering new partners, I often decide to just let opportunities pass even if I'm interested. Blah.
So moving on some forward movement and possible helpful things:
I read up on some of the things mentioned by others here and I just bought some Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap. I found it in Almond and I am gonna try that out and see how it makes me feel and how it works. I'll be sure to report back.
I also bought some of what the health food store calls "Internal Body Deodorant" which is basically chlorophyllin copper complex which is what I believe Marzopolis mentioned. I'm thinking of trying that out but I am told it could give you gas pain or something. I'll report back on that too.
Back to the crazy...

Maybe I'm nuts, because my husband giggled at me as I studied the bottles of vitamins and odor aids. He says I don't smell at all and compared to even girls that were 1/4 my size that he dated in his early 20s that I don't have a heavy girl scent. But that doesn't stop the way I feel.
I also am in a relationship where I have partners outside my marriage and when those times occur, there is less familiarity and that is when I feel the most paranoia about it. Most especially if it's an FA who hasn't been with a big girl or someone even close to my size. (I'm on the huge scale of SSBBW and there aren't many of me out there.) It should also be noted that I feel this way even if it's not full on intercourse and just making out/touching. I guess I feel it's something that's important to me because I think that the negative stereotypes associated with fat people and smell really got to me growing up. Either way, I'm a bit broken in the mind when it comes to worry about it.
Anyhoo, I'm rambling. I'll let you all know how the new soap goes and if I decide to take those vitamins and how they work out.