
We want a bigger ass!

Oestrogen increases fat storage in the body,[22] which results in more fat stored in the female body.[23] Body fat percentage recommendations are higher for females, as this nutrient serves as an energy reserve for pregnancy. Males have less subcutaneous fat in their faces due to the effects of testosterone;[24] testosterone also reduces fat by aiding fat metabolism. Males generally deposit fat around waists and abdomens (producing an "apple shape"smiley due to the lack of estrogen.
14 years

We want a bigger ass!

According to fitness guru Charles Poliquin, women that have excess oestrogen tend to store excess weight around their bum and thighs.
14 years

We want a bigger ass!

(see note 3). Excess oestrogen in women causes weight gain especially in the hips and thighs, PMT, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, and infertility.
14 years
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