Extreme obesity

Care provider's tips & techniques

rock9632 wrote
HeatherBBW wrote
rock9632 wrote
I have been at meetings where I sat near you and all I sensed was the beauty of the sight of you, and the power of your intellect. With my eyes, my ears, and my nose, I did not detect anything disagreablle about you.

I repeat, sitting near you at the meetings we both attended was a very enjoyable expierence for me and probably for every other person in the room.

Walk proud, jiggle well, and know that you are great.

Hrm.. was this for me?

Oh that's totally fine, I was just hoping you'd tell me who you were if you were referring to me smiley But it's fine if you care to remain anonymous.

Only a compliment, not a comeon. You have a devoted man in your life adn he makes you happy. I have a wonderful person in my life who makes me very happy. Still lovely people should be reminded of how lovely they are.

And the major part of lovelyness must be the personality and attitude toward others.

The man in your life is luckly to have a person who has such great inner and outer beauty as a part of his life.

I would expect that many men tell him so.
15 years

Care provider's tips & techniques

FWIW, a few comments to various posts on this thread:

1. You can help curb yeast infections to some extent by taking and eating probiotics, like yogurt with live cultures and live acidophilus (which should be stored in a fridge--the shelf capsules aren't reliable, from what I've read.)

2. I would be wary of talc; I read somewhere years ago that there were serious studies that linked talc use to lung problems (I forget what kind).

3. I am a fan of the cloth between rolls, but I'd never thought of diapers. Brilliant.

4. I would be cautious about creams and deodarants between rolls. I used to use a natural stick deodarant under my breasts for some time, until I realised that it was closing up my pores and creating little pimples, sometimes dry, like blackheads, sometimes more like whiteheads.

My four bits, J
14 years
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