
Ok how many people do this???

How do you dunk things in chili? isn't it a vegetable?

14 years

Ok how many people do this???

PeanutButter and Kellye wrote
Maximum wrote
How do you dunk things in chili? isn't it a vegetable?




looks more like salsa then chili... lol we don't really have chili in australia, besides, isn't it like scary spicy hot?
14 years

Ok how many people do this???

PeanutButter and Kellye wrote
Maximum wrote
looks more like salsa then chili... lol we don't really have chili in australia, besides, isn't it like scary spicy hot?

No, it's beans, beef and some other stuff (sometimes onion, corn or whatever) in a tomato based sauce with cayenne and other spices. It doesn't have to be really spicy, but some people like it that way.

Ok, thank you for being kind to my n00bness!

14 years

Ok how many people do this???

Cincinnati chili would probably cause her head to spin, then.
14 years

Ok how many people do this???

well this is sorta realated but i didn't put anything spicy on mine but kinda mildly milky american cheese
13 years

Ok how many people do this???

Never done this specifically, but just have to say peanut butter and honey sammiches=yum.

Though I have done some strange combinations that have earned me some raised eyebrows...such as dipping cheetos in icing, but that may have just been me being a huge fatty lol.
13 years

Ok how many people do this???

Never tried any of these but, I always get the WTF look when I put Ketchup on Meatloaf...

I mean, it's a big oblong burger without the bun....Just put the fxn ketchup on the thing and call it what it is!
12 years

Ok how many people do this???

i am one of those aussies that have never tried chilli but ive made some wierd sandwich combos. avocado and vegemite is great - it looks like green poo on bread but tastes delicious. also adding banana to a peanutbutter saandwich is awesome.
12 years

Ok how many people do this???

cutenchubby wrote:
i am one of those aussies that have never tried chilli but ive made some wierd sandwich combos. avocado and vegemite is great - it looks like green poo on bread but tastes delicious. also adding banana to a peanutbutter saandwich is awesome.

Banana, Peanut butter and Marshmellow Fluff! YEA YEA YEEAAA!
12 years

Ok how many people do this???

While we're on the subject again *huzzah for post necromancy*, how about Peanut butter and Mustard sammiches? Yum *also ketchup isn't bad with peanut butter and I also like peanut butter and mayo*

And one more thing.

Chocolate. Covered. Bacon!!

I haven't tried it but ever since hearing about it I've been obsessed with the concept...I must have it! lol
12 years
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