

I have told a few people... but no one has added me yet.

14 years


I'm kinda unimaginative with mine-Phoenix Chimera on Xbox Live and Facebook, generally on live at the weekend as the misery of work means I gotta do stuff in week.
14 years



Playstation 3

Current Game: Modern Warfare 2. I suck at this game, but I am getting better.
14 years


I play wii online, so you'd have to give me your codes...sadly. It's such a pain.
But uh, I also play Battlefield Heroes which is a 3rd person shooter RPG thats made for casual players...a lot of girls play's also free. My account on there is DorianGray, surprise surprise.

I also have a steam account which I play a lot of different games, mostly indie, but I have things like counterstrike and source games. Not sure how you go about adding people on steam accounts Knode
14 years


Hooked on Mass Effect 2 atm. It's nice when the hype for something is completely justified smiley
14 years


FriesWithThatShake wrote
aussieyada wrote
Hooked on Mass Effect 2 atm. It's nice when the hype for something is completely justified smiley

Haha, I beat that twice now, and now working with a third (evil this time) character. The game was AMAZING! My brother and I keep saying "it was like playing a very good movie.

Also, about Battlefield Heroes (mostly directed towards Dorian, haha). So, do you have to pay REAL money to keep any of the items forever? I see options to have items for a day, 3 days, a week, or a month, each more expensive with ingame money. But to keep it forever, you have to pay real money. If that's true, that's laaaame...

... because I might just buy some points... lol...

Uhhhh, my brothers a free to play guy and he does just fine. It depends on what class you play on how much you need gear forever. My brother and I play enough so we can buy a gun a day and he always gets the short range SMG. You don't need uber weapons really, they are only slightly better than other guns... But uh... Message me on facebook and I'll explain whats good and what you should have for each class... Honestly you only need to pay 5 to 10 bucks tops if you find free to play to be too hard. It's a really good game in my opinion, but I'm weird.
14 years


FriesWithThatShake wrote
DorianGray wrote
FriesWithThatShake wrote
aussieyada wrote
Hooked on Mass Effect 2 atm. It's nice when the hype for something is completely justified smiley

Haha, I beat that twice now, and now working with a third (evil this time) character. The game was AMAZING! My brother and I keep saying "it was like playing a very good movie.

Also, about Battlefield Heroes (mostly directed towards Dorian, haha). So, do you have to pay REAL money to keep any of the items forever? I see options to have items for a day, 3 days, a week, or a month, each more expensive with ingame money. But to keep it forever, you have to pay real money. If that's true, that's laaaame...

... because I might just buy some points... lol...

Uhhhh, my brothers a free to play guy and he does just fine. It depends on what class you play on how much you need gear forever. My brother and I play enough so we can buy a gun a day and he always gets the short range SMG. You don't need uber weapons really, they are only slightly better than other guns... But uh... Message me on facebook and I'll explain whats good and what you should have for each class... Honestly you only need to pay 5 to 10 bucks tops if you find free to play to be too hard. It's a really good game in my opinion, but I'm weird.

No no no, it's not that it's hard. It's that I want to customize my guy to look cool cuz I'm lame like that. My KDR was 15 to 1 last game... haha!

I've spent SO much money on this game just to play dress up...haha... You don't even know

Add me on there though using the accounts DorianGray
14 years


finally i might get some new freinds i am tired of just havint two

PSN account Lvanciel1 all lower
14 years


PS3: SpaceShuttle

Playing MW2, Uncharted 2 and new RE5 DLC. Heavy Rain on Tuesday, but its not online
14 years


FriesWithThatShake wrote
Still super upset I didn't get into Starcraft 2 beta... *sigh*

nerd smiley

Nah, that stuffs gonna be killer, finally another RTS from Blizzard, yay!
14 years
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