
Researching bigger is better article- can anyone help?

Dear Isabel,

Can you post some clippings somewhere that we can read them? Stories you've done and the papers they've been in?

Can you tell us the angle you expect to take, the type of story you're imagining, and where you'll try to place it?

I'm slightly less cynical than Chubber, but only slightly. But if you can convince me that you're for real, I'll talk to you.
14 years

Researching bigger is better article- can anyone help?

From those articles it would sound as if she was at least being truthful about not be a tabloid writer. But they really don't offer up much other info about her.

And in general I find claims of this sort hard to believe because of personal experience, not with the media so much as just the general view of this sort of society.
14 years