
How to convince your gf to gain weight?

Just simply mention that you enjoy girls who are a bit bigger. Not sure if this would work since you are deep into the relationship. But often in the beginning if your girl ask if the girls from a magazine or tv or etc looks sexy to you. Then simple say you perfer girls who are more bigger.

If she looks shock, then apologies for not saying so soon. Add that you were nervous of how she would react and hope it wouldn't affect the relationship.

Its a tough thing to do. But after that just slow play it by making her feel comfortable.

Hope this helpsmiley
14 years

How to convince your gf to gain weight?

Honestly, i think the most important thing is to not make it seem like a big deal. If you say it in passing, and then move on, she won't get freaked out.

As the previous poster said, just notice that a girl in a film who is bigger looks good. Thats all you have to say. I've yet to meet a girl who finds that a scary prospect. In fact, most ive experienced are relieved by the notion that you don't expect them to smell salads for sustinence.
14 years

How to convince your gf to gain weight?

Let her know what you like, and encourage her to do things that will lead to weight gain, whether that be eating, exercise, lifestyle or whatever. Just be honest, but never push the topic and don't be obsessive over it. It will soon become obvious whether she is "into it" or not. If she isn't, than will have to accept that. You can't, and shouldn't "force" anyone to do anything that they don't want to, but you can certainly introduce her to new ideas and encourage her.
14 years

How to convince your gf to gain weight?

Honestly, I can second what was said earlier about just saying it in the beginning of the relationship. I'm going out with someone now. She's asked me early on if she was getting too heavy for me (college gain, actually) and I said I liked it. So she decided to keep it and she's still gaining smiley So I'd say just be honest with her because if you don't say it early on, it might turn u off. Which isn't a good thing because she'll probably ask "Am I not turning u on anymore?" or something if she loses weight. then that'll be a bad scenario. So just say it early on. Good luck!
14 years